Well I do not accept this ridiculous term, or gender fluid. Biology is a fact, just 2 genders, male and female. What on earth is up with these people?

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He is vile, immoral and talentless. His books are absolute trash and the fact that he is a “recognised children book’s author” only proofs how far our society and culture has fallen.

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New subscriber here! Walliams is just so odd...I think Dan's use of the term 'woke wash' is perfect here. Couldn't care less what he gets up to as long as it's legal and doesn't hurt anyone. Unfortunately, his latest BS hurts me as a woman. Imagine using a unisex bathroom and a huge bloke like Walliams comes in. There's a unisex bathroom in the Cheltenham Pret that is at the back of the store, up a flight of stairs, then through double doors, through another door to get to the two unisex cubicles. It's frightening to use, there are always blokes around. It's just not safe for females, and I'm sure there are plenty of males who don't want to use unisex facilities. There are two biological sexes and it's not mean to state that.

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Ha. You remind me of the late 1980s. I was at a Rocky Horror concert. Obviously many dress up, including blokes in basques, stockings and suspenders. It's all part of the gig. Nothing overtly sexual. It's the time that big, butch builder really can find his feminine side.

Anyway, clearly I'm standing at the urinal. Focussing on the job in hand. Next urinal gets occupied and you see (without trying) out of the corner of your eye someone with obvious "lingerie", stockings etc on. It takes the mind what feels like an eternity to put 2 and 2 together, rather than say automatically err love, what are you doing there... (ignore the urinatory logstics aspect).

As a male I'd rather not have unisex places, even if they are then cubicles inside the same room. I can well understand it for ladies in reverse. And, of course, it's different to when I am in hospital and needing to pee and maybe the nurse has to wander in, or she (or he) has to say (as in one case) give me a bedpan and clean up after. You know its a job, rather than a sexual thing.

The mind is very good at figuring it out. Just as in a past work place we had a male person in charge of the facilities. He'd bang on the outside of the ladies' lavatory door, open it and shout he is there. If a lady was inside a cubicle (as a co-worker told me) that was OK as he would come in and say check a sink. They knew he was there, who he was, and why he was there.

If I had just barged in to, I don't know, grab toilet paper as that in the men's had ran out, maybe someone who didn't know me might reasonably say "what the bleep..."

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I for one had never found him funny, entertaining or remotely interesting to listen to. I accept my views don’t matter in the slightest since there are a lot of people who do. What I object to most about him and his like minded celebrity friends is their exploitation of being a celebrity. They are not there to impose their absurd morality upon us, to corrupt the minds of young people or to abuse the audiences that gave them their fame and elevated positions which they now feel entitled to use against us. They are there to solely entertain, not to use their celebrity status to pervert society with this adopted WOKE nonsesense, which many perhaps do simply for publicity and to be “relevant or current”. It’s intolerable that very young children, are now being exposed to such morally corrupt exhibitions, views and education that the likes of Walliams would now expose them to.

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Totally agree!

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Oh dear, another pantomime dame trying to stay in the spotlight. If Walliams asked any intelligent people if they'd ever dug up someone who was transgender/non binary etc, the answer would be a firm NO, male or female and that's your lot, and has been since we first walked upright.

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He's always been odd to me, like Saville, your radar goes off but you can't always pinpoint why. He's creepy and if non binary is his excuse... Good for him but it absolutely doesn't wash with me. It's all 💩

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If it’s got a penis it’s a man, and if it’s got a vagina it’s a woman. Dressing up as something different doesn’t change this

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David Williams is completely irrelevant

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Should read Walliams

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The English have always understood a universal truth. Men in women's clothing are unintentionally funny. This explain why so many English comedies have a stock character who cross dresses.

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I have a VERY simplistic version of gender!! Bits or no bits!! Male or female simple!

People being trees but sleeping in a bed?

People being cats but going to the cinema or shopping.

It is all garbage that is being encouraged.

People think they have mental health issues, is it any wonder, with all this rubbish being promoted as normal, sanity is in short supply!

Too much money being made in encouraging all of this rubbish!!

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He’s a willy wally. Check out his Wikipedia page for his ‘hide the sausage’ exploits.


Interesting that Wikipedia hasn’t changed his pronoun to ‘they’ as it does with other self-proclaimed non-binaries. Maybe the non-binary community has entry standards.

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Yes, another stupid pronoun, they is plural so if an individual told me that their pronoun was "they" I'd charge them double 🤣

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This confirms what I have always felt about this guy….c r e e p y ……. I wouldn’t let him near my family UGH! And don’t get me started on the books only published because he was a celebrity and gay.

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Put rather crudely, I don't care who puts their bits with another person's bits if they are the same or different gender. Just keep it private. The same for "traditional" heterosexuals. I've no more interest seeing Gary and Jill "making out" or more in the street than Gary and John.

Two blokes walking down the street holding hands. Honestly I'd probably miss it as I go past. A goodbye peck at the railway station. So what.

Maybe I'd notice if they (or the hetero couple) were a little more, err, advanced in their display of affection. And I'd rather not.

I grew up with noticing many celebrities who were either gay, or certainly suspected of it, and it didn't change the view of them. They were good at their job. Sure in retrospect you can absolutely say it was sad they had to hide their true sexuality, whether because of the law or the character they paint. Imagine Bernard Manning, the comedian many loved to hate, suddenly coming out and saying he's (in his then words) a big, fat poofter. It'd never happen, even if he was, as he had painted himself into a corner with society at the time.

I do struggle with the multitude of endings and pronouns, but I am a dinosaur. I get that some (but I question the stats) might be confused or what we used to call "half and half". I try and be sympathetic in the guise of "if it was my daughter, i'd still love her..." I admit I'd be somewhat confused if I had been in the dating world and that Jill I'd been very close to and maybe intimate with admits after six months she's a full transition (incl. surgery) and used to be called Daniel (I still think, right or wrong, any one who has transitioned should be open from the first day, even if they have led their new life for years).

So it is difficult, But "celebrities" banging on about their sexuality or not is just plain horse sh1t.

I didn't care that Elton John was a homosexual. Our host here has been open about his sexuality.

I listened to Elton John for his music. I read Dan's material because of his journalistic analysis.

I don't care, not want to know, what they do in their beds (traditional am I) with their partners, or even if they are mad swingers in their local gay scenes. It's none of my business.

If Elton John suddenly starts to lecture me (!) about his sexuality and how I'm a dinosaur, or Dan runs sudden Outspoken columns on the same subject, my interest, my professional interest in them will wane...

And on Walliams, maybe he's like Marmite as I've never found him that funny and didn't get the hype.

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I find it inconsiderate to his child and ex wife to come out with this, what he will consider dramatic, - to him titillating. As Dan says it pushing aside Gay, just as the trans to faux woman betray lesbians, and as worrying violent towards lesbians. It has always been accepted in Society that one’s sexuality is one’s own business and not everyone else’s.

PS. For a man to trans to woman and then want relationship with a woman is as heterosexual, partic if has not had things removed, - is this perverse, is it so messed it severe mental illness? That is what should be being researched and look into if there is overlap with domestic violence.

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as an aside check out a petition on the uk parliament petition page.....make breaking a manifesto against the law and trigger a general election..do have a look..and consider signing it and resharing it widely all over the uk with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as ive asked you

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How tedious this has all become.

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