Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

i have been saying for a long time vote Labour get sharia law.... Blair changed the face of this country through the judiciary and they can never be trusted.

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

I think Blair and Mandleson carefully chose Starmer and have orchestrated his transformation from a Corbyn supporting yes man, morphing him into an all things to all men kind of US pharmaceutical company PR man.

Starmer now has a set of principles that can be changed to suit the situation, a good example of which is his stance on our nuclear deterrent.

In my opinion Blair will be the power and influence behind the Downing Street throne if Starmer becomes PM. Starmer’s job has only ever been to win the election and then Blair will secretly run things.

Blair’s ambition to run things for Sorus burns brightly but he knows he’s reviled and detested by the vast majority of British people, so has used Starmer as his vehicle to power again.

I fear that once Blair is entrenched as Starmer’s puppet master/adviser in Downing Street, it will be impossible to eradicate him this time around.

God help us if I’m right!

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I think you are right.

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Starmer is a replica of Biden Controlled

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All the same kind of people.

Money and control

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Yes Blair will be running the Country


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Every time I see his face I feel my blood boil! He did irreparable damage to this country in many ways😡 Seeing him on that Order of the Garter procession just rubs it in. The Enemy Within!

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I remember when he got in not one British student nurse in their final year could not get a job, they went to Australia New Zealand, nursing homes, rest homes.

We were short staff at the time questioning why they were not getting jobs,A year later the flood gates opened.

Today they have international offices were they employ RN,Doctors and employ their whole families as HCSW no experience all happening again.

Tony Blair should be in prison not Julian Assange

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Definitely, he sent our boys to their deaths, he’s a treacherous warmonger. I fear for my country like never before!!!

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Tony Blair attacked Iraq, a peaceful if unpleasant country. He should be in the Hague as a war criminal. Bush should too but alas, the US never signed up to the International Court.

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

Don't forget his unbalanced sidekick Campbell, still spewing his vile words on X.

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Campbell is not alone. Socialism has never worked and never will. Russian tried it and look what happened. China tried it and countless millions starved. North Korea tried it with the same result. So did Venezuala. Argentina has finally got someone in charge with a bit of sense and he is removing pointless ministries and seriously cutting government costs. The result is an immediate turnaround in the economy and the only way is up.

Like the climate alarmists, they refuse to look at the evidence, preferring to rely on deeply flawed forecasts and ideology.

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Absolutely. It's very alarming.

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

my school friend Ian died in the 2nd Iraq war i will never forgive Blair he should never have been knighted.

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Blair should never have been free to get knighted. He should have been locked up. He still should be. I do not understand why nobody has done anything about the nasty little weasel.

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Absolutely, Boris was hounded by Liebour. After Blair I don't know how they date! Once in government Liebour will change and manipulate the system to increase voting to their advantage.🙄😡

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Tony Blair children will never go to War

All these people have a safe haven.

When the woke wake up it will be to late.

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

Many men are arriving on lots of boats, Lorries, Euro tunnel and flying in already to vote for Labour.

All the media keeps talking about is Labour will win, When they do we are in trouble.

Ed Balls and Susanna Reid should start taking in the migrants, that will take that smirk of their ugly faces.

God help us ALL

27th July 2024 London for Freedom and our Children future.

I have retired from the NHS started in 1984 now it is a WOKE,JOKE


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GMB is appalling.

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Just as bad as the BBC

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

What would we do without you Dan! When you left GB news I was shocked but also it was a wake up call for me about the channel and its direction in general. I've now realised like many of us that although you're missed on the tele its much better for all of us that you left coz look at what you've been able to do now!!!👏👏👏 Thanks for being our voice and I hope your voice grows even louder in the public sphere over the coming months. We need you!! Xx

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And I need you Jules. This means the world, thank you.

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

I used to watch GB News all the time. I recorded all the shows so I could catch up fast forwarding through items of less interest and repeats. I had it on in the background much of time. I never missed your show. That was my two hours sitting down with a glass of wine time.

It has now changed out of all recognition. There are still some good presenters I like to watch but if I see certain commentators on I just switch off. I hardly watch now. I read Substack and watch YouTube.

I think the fact that Liam Halligan confirmed to Guido Fawkes pretty much by liking a post he was leaving back in March and has just left says it all. I think he’s been treated very badly. He had a great lunchtime show. It’s a huge loss to GB News especially pre election. He’s such an all rounder.

I’d love to see him on your channel and Substack.

I can’t wait for your new show, Dan. I’ll all in for the revolution.

Let’s go!!!

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So appreciate your support Jane. I think we need a media revolution now.

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I’m all in!!

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

If Sharia law comes in, back door or not, it will be the beginning of the end for the Jews of the UK. I live in Israel but the majority of my family live in London or Manchester and I'm very worried.

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Furthermore, I'm convinced that Broken Britain is at growing risk of replicating the events which led to the Weimar Republic's collapse: extremist entryism, mobs on the streets, rampant anti-Semitism and smug complacent craven leaders reliant on appeasement and denial.

I've been studying the Weimar era for some time now, both in fiction and non-fiction; the parallels are there for all to see, but our leaders have their collective heads in the sand.

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We will be the new Lebonan.

Bridgette Gabriel had to leave her country.

Hopefully Noah will take our families to a place of safety

And all you lefty's can stay, and see what you have caused.

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So am I,as I believe that our craven slippery leaders will not have the backbone nor the moral courage to support our Jewish communities and beleaguered Israel.

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In Sudan and Yemen the media does not talk about these country's.

Maybe because I do not think there are any Jews there

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We need to be vigilant on the election day. Because Common Purpose, the secretive organisation set up by Tony Blair to undermine democracy , have been put into positions in the polling stations.

1. So every town, village and polling station organisers need to check that the voting booths are private and cannot be viewed by the people overseeing the election. So the order shouldn't be overseers facing voting booths where people are visible but the voting booths should be positioned so that voters are behind the booth.

2. Trusted members of the community should also be present as observers.

3. All counting must be done on the day.

4. Members of the public should be encouraged to take pens as the pencils they use are the softest possible which means that no mark is visible when rubbed out.

5. We need to make everyone aware of this.

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Plus set up webcams in the polling stations would be good to keep an eye on the adjudicators.

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Great advice. That would never have occurred to me.

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What a good point you make about pens!

If there is any skullduggery at the ballot box, those who use the pencil might find their vote isn't counted.

Hope you don't mind if I pass that thought on via X. There are a multitude of tweeters vowing to support Reform. As Dan mentions, there is a massive, incredible surge of confidence in Reform which is heartening for those of us who care about life in the UK, but the establishment will be running scared. Let's thwart them!

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I’m unable to get to the polling station because of my poor mobility, sadly

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

I live in Priti Patels constituency & have always voted for her. She’s been a brilliant local MP. I emailed her with my feelings about the Tory party & the shenanigans that have taken place since the Brexit vote this week. I wasn’t expecting a response given she’s trying to save her sit. However, I had a very long email back from her the next day. To say she’s absolutely seething about it (without mentioning names) is an understatement. You can tell she’s not happy at all what’s been happening (or not happening) with regards to the dinghies etc… I got the feeling she’s no friend of Sunak the Snake.

I’ve just been shopping in Witham (my nearest town) in her constituency & for the first time ever I’ve seen Labour posters but not one for Priti (no reform posters either) Given this is a very strong Brexit constituency I think dirty tricks are at play here. The Labour candidate is another Asian lady who is actually a Labour councillor in Luton of all places. Zero connection with this very rural part of Essex.

I was torn about whether to vote for the reform candidate (I’ve met Nigel & was a member of the Brexit party) but I feel Priti is one Tory worth saving. I know Nigel gets on with her as well, so I think he’ll understand my vote is tactically. Can’t have someone from Luton as my MP.

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I love Priti. She is one of the true Conservatives who I believe deserves support. There aren't many. But she is one.

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Agreed ❤️

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Oh Labour are parachuting in lots of strangers as candidates. Be warned.

In 2019 in Coventry, the odious Zarah Sultana - young and gobby and might as well have been wrapped in a pro Hammas flag - was dropped on us by Labour. In a Labour stronghold, a two Universities city, supported by students, academics, Asians, local government officials etc, she won easily. Sadly, I imagine most Coventrians cringe that she ' represents' them, yet voter apathy will be the reason she is re-elected. In certain areas the hard left really come out in force to castrate any opposition.

I feel poor Priti, who's been a truly excellent MP, is blighted by her party, but should always be a pillar of the House of Commons. Her integrity is a shining beacon of hope in politics. I truly hope yours is the constituency where common sense prevails and the true blues, the honest Tories, continue to fight on as MPs, for the values that made many of us vote Tory in the last election.

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I’m really hoping so as well. Sadly we’re had a very sudden influx of black families who previously lived in London. I’m assuming they’ve sold properties to Khans clan & are subsequently able to afford the new properties being built in their thousands around Chelmsford, Witham etc… Its really noticeable as we barely had any black families in the area until around a year ago. I can’t blame them for wanting to get their kids out of stab city though, as long as those problem's don’t follow them.

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Think yourself lucky our Labour candidate is a man called Georgia...

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

Wow what a fantastic bunch of questions and even more fantastic answers. This whole project has an intimacy even beyond what you managed on your GBNews show. Really looking forward to seeing your new Studio? Are you following Lozza Foxes footsteps and moving out of London. Epping is very nice and leafy and easy to get into town. Just saying 😂

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Love this! Not yet but I will do as soon as I can!

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Hi Dan

I’m so glad you are getting some much deserved R&R (Rest & Relaxation….. do you also use that acronym in the UK)? We would much rather have you in California or the weather is a little cooler, but I’m so glad you’re at least in Florida… Lovely state..

I am afraid that what we have been dealing with in the United States and with our politics and especially with President Trump, you were seeing the same thing happening in your country with Nigel Farage. It’s evil, it’s sick, these people are unbelievable. But nothing surprises me because they’re trying to do the same thing here and have for a long time so I just encourage all of you to stick your guns. Stand up speak up and don’t let them do this to you. The only way it can happen is if all of the great people of the UK do absolutely nothing.

I had a friend asked me the other day how these people sleep at night… And I said well when you have no conscience it’s really easy to sleep at night.

Blessings to you, Dan!!!

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They have no conscience because they are thinking about money all the time.

Not their children future.

They have to do what Klaus tells them

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

I love the live watchalongs. Has made watching the live debates bearable as Clubbies are far more truthful and direct with their opinions than some of the candidates. There have been some great threads.

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Yes. We are building such an important community here. And it's growing by the day!

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

How long before Shamima Begum is back in the uk under slippery Starmer human rights law.

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He said he wanted her back. Then changed his mind when he was told to by his aides.

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Dan, cant wait to hear you say “let’s go!”

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

You are amazing Dan. Thank you for speaking out. We need you ❤️

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And I need you!

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This was a great first 'Ask Me Anything'!

Foremost, I like this Dan:

"The fake friends all slip away."

Let the chaff blow away, leaving the many who believe in you. I think it's great that you and Laurence are still good friends, proving there IS life after GBN! 😊

A year ago, GBN used to be on our TV screen all the time, so much so, I was concerned the logo might burn an imprint!

But, just because Dan and many others have left GBN, Ofcom doesn't get the win. Not when cancelled presenters, journalists and comedians become free, while still retaining their support base!

Dan, if you come across this, along with Mark Steyn if he can, please can you invite Abi Roberts to your new show, she's fab! And if possible, David Starkey and Neil Oliver if he's able to, given he's still at GBN. Would love to see Laurence on your new show, freely and totally uncancelled and yes, without the lefties, including Benjamin Butterworth!

Ok, it was funny at times seeing Benjamin sandwiched between two sensible panelists like Carole Malone and Belinda de Lucy, and the hammer and tongs that ensued! In this, Dan had the last laugh!:


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I have just watched this.

Benjamin Butterworth will be old one day

He has no idea how hard we worked

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

What would we do with out you Dan telling our truths 👏🏼

State of out country 💔

It's going to get worse I can feel it 💔 I feel a civil war coming 💔

Our future queen 💪 amazing beautiful queen she will make suck it up mackerel 👊

Backstabbing stakes deserve what's coming

Voting reform for us 🙏🏻

Keep it going Dan 💪👊🇬🇧♥️

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Yes War, Tony Blair likes Wars

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God help us 😢

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Jun 20Liked by Dan Wootton

Very good article, I see they are messing with the sky in Florida too! The U.K. have ramped the spraying up and it’s so obvious now if you look up and see all the lines.

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