I’m absolutely delighted!

And… he could do it in this GE in my opinion, if all the ‘don’t know who to vote for?’ - between the two pathetic others! Vote Reform.

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Im over the moon, gan on Nigel son 🥳

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I said from day 1 that I expected Richard Tice to stand aside and Nigel Farage would lead the party and I'll admit to being disappointed when he said he wouldn't stand for election. I sort of lost faith in him a little and felt a little betrayed, but now I feel that was the plan all along. They were testing the water and rightly so. Before this announcement I figured we'd expect a lot of voter apathy because there was no one to vote for. No one to put my faith in. They really are a bunch of idiots and liars and I'd trust none of them. Well done Nigel and Richard. I've been with you from day 1 and I maybe just one person but not have I changed a lot of people's minds and got them to WAKE UP and see what's going on in this country.. Rule Britannia....🎶🔊📣

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Couldn't agree more with your views and well said for putting it out there. Nigel Farage stated he will lead REFORM for the next 5 years, which means he is there for the long game. If we succeed in getting REFORM many seats in this Election and forming a good Opposition then it could pave the way next time for a complete change in Politics.

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Best news, definitely voting now 👍

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This news has just made my day 🙌🏻🥳🥳🥳

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I Don’t know how you feel, but I’m suddenly much more interested in the 2024 election and what takes place in its aftermath now that Nigel is running. I might even watch the BBC to see it going into meltdown! Go Nigel.

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I refuse to pay my TV Licence so won’t be able to watch that shower on BBC to witness their bias that I refuse to pay for gladly!

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The only good news to come out of this election campaign so far

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Bloody brilliant news! The media "elite" (term used very loosley) really do not get the mood of the nation. More fool them. Best of luck Nigel, right behind you.

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Please save this country!

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Fantastic Farage!

Like many, I could not vote for the two slippery sssssnakes Sunak or Starmer.

Now we have someone who could truly stop the decline of this country.

Go Reform!

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Wishing Farage every good fortune. He needs to succeed or this country and its people are well and truly stuffed.

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Great piece as always Dan. Today is a good day! I would have paid good money to hear Fishy saying 'oh FFS' when the news dropped 🤣

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I am absolutely delighted. Now there needs to be a landslide of people voting for reform .

People shouldn’t get swayed by Sunaks comments of ‘vote Reform is a vote for Starma’. He would say that!

But instead of sticking with the ‘dead in the water, lying, cheating career politicians of the Tory Party, just to avoid a Labour Government if people lent their vote to Reform then there’s no reason why they couldn’t be a strong opposition. Who knows there could actually be a major upset and they actually win!!! Please Lord 🙏

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I absolutely agree!

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WE must ALL get Out and VOTE REFORM. ALL My Family are . Conservatives are finished and we certainly do NOT WANT OR NEED LABOUR. So pleased NIGEL is Back . 🇬🇧🇬🇧🙏🙏

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This really is a big deal. The red wall vote now has a home and that will hurt Labour. The small c Conservatives also have a home & when you consider the 52% betrayed over Brexit, it’s hard not to see this being a huge game changer. The MSM & especially the BBC will be seething. They hate Farage & don’t have the capacity to learn from their previous dirty tricks - because they will just embolden those without a political home. The Conservative Coup by the left is really going to see them obliterated at the polls!

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This can change everything even in this GE. Local and bi elections are always a protest vote. A low turnout for both but a general election is a different ball game. Nigel Farage on board watch this space. Reform UK will get my vote 🗳

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My protest vote against my ‘always’ Tory vote in my recent Blackpool South bi-election went to Reform, as will my vote in the GE as I always planned to do.

Now that Farage has taken the lead, makes even more so a definite great decision.

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Believing that France should be French and Britain should be British is inherently racist and is perfectly legitimate. The Left believes that the Abos should own Australia, the Maoris should own NZ and the Indians should own America; so why can't the indigenous people of Europe own Europe?

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