Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Right now I could kiss the lot of them! Good to see the return of actually listening to your electorate, common sense and patriotism amongst our political class. Nigel makes Sunak and Starmer look the wooden planks they are.

Mr Sunak has an awful lot to answer for, devious man that he is, big reason why we’re now facing five years of the Labour Goons 🙄

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And the Tory wets who kept Sunak in post.

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All well and good but I'm still more scared by which I men TERRIFIED of Starmer as opposed to the current crop of conservatives. A socialist dictatorship is what we're facing down here with a probable super majority. Blair on steroids.

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And looked who talked up Blair. https://youtu.be/EZkQ2PJe6eY?feature=shared

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Does anyone think Goebbles would be proud of these “woke” liars?

‘We shall reach our goal, when we have the power to laugh as we destroy, as we smash, whatever was sacred to us as tradition, as education, and as human affection.’

Joseph Goebbels

This is what they want for us! We need to pray everyday for Farage and all those fighting for our freedom.

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It's no surprise to anyone in my world that Reform are on the up. The MSM really do not have their ear to the ground, being influenced by X is a lazy way to understand the Great British Public. Sit in any pub and you will start to understand how we really feel. Right behind you Nigel!

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So exciting to read this. At last change is truly on the way albeit we have to suffer for the next 5 years! It will be worth waiting for!!

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Yes indeed.

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Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Very interesting to see the variety of skilled and loyal individuals Nigel has surrounded himself with. You can’t buy that kind of loyalty. Bless them all. So far so good. I’m glad Nigel was supportive to you in your time of need. I like that he doesn’t run for the hills at the first sign of controversy. Unlike most people, he runs towards it. A clear sign of being a genuine person. He did the same for Patrick Christys. Looking forward to the rest of the campaign now. Things are looking brighter.

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Indeed. A shame that Christys himself does the opposite. But that’s a story for another day!

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Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Would still like to hear it. I know he’s not your favourite

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Not a surprise - I can't watch Christy's now - you can tell he is all "me me me."

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Ooooh! Which other day will that be then Dan??????

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For “skilled” read rich.

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Even better!

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Kier is rich too. So what’s your point? The people surrounding Nigel maybe rich but it’s Nigel who is campaigning. He seems to be his own man. Are you suggesting that he can only be supported by poor people? Let’s imagine for a second that all MPs are rich - we still have to plump for someone. It’s common sense you would choose the candidate who represents those closest to your own values, regardless of how rich or poor they are. I don’t see the relevance to be honest.

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Yes, cos the rich clearly care about the rest of us. (Sarcasm). If you don’t believe me just look at Rishi.

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Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

REFORM can even be a major breaking news on 4 July,,you never know,people start awakening....miracles happen ....😎

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I have my fingers & legs crossed lol

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Thank you, Dan. It all makes sense now. The Reform UK team are absolutely smashing it at the moment. With Nigel as showman at the front he blasted the other politicians off the platform last night in the so-called leadership debate. Humour goes a long way. No autocue ever. Nigel lives and breathes his politics. He is a national treasure. It’s great the way young people are warming to him as well. I dread the Labour government coming in. I remember the 60s and 70s. In many ways they’re much worse now. However I also have a ‘let’s be having it’ attitude. Things have to get worse before they get better. The country will see Labour’s true agenda very quickly and most people won’t like it. I agree with Matt Goodwin. Labour will be very unpopular very quickly. They need to be stopped getting a second term. Go, Nigel. The People’s Army are with you.

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Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Thanks for this info Dan, I finally feel there is a force for good, working behind the scenes, working to save this country.

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Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

🇬🇧 What a pretty impressive team Nigel has behind him, and right by his side. Thanks for sharing this Dan. 👍

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Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Great article and how lovely to know that Nigel was checking in on you .

Was he the only one ?

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One of the only ones. Bev, Nana, Darren and Neil were brilliant too.

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That does not surprise me.

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Brilliant article. Great to be given an insight into the key figures, obviously Nigel cannot do it alone. I wish them every success being totally frustrated with the current establishment and direction of travel (largely over a cliff edge like lemmings it appears to me). Let's hope he and his team can make an impact and steer us back towards a more traditional conservatism (which is in no way extreme or intolerant.....just sensible and realistic)

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I love the fact they are not typical Westminster globalist drones.

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I cannot put into words how much I am backing Nigel in the next election, no one comes close in any debate with facts figures andknowledge without the need for prior access to any questions fired, no autoqueues its all in his head, he can answer anything thrown at him and still manages to not rise to the horrendous bait he is constantly faced with, he beats the lot of them hands down.

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Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Dan, I was totally disgusted at how GB News treated you but am not surprised that Nigel stuck by you. I also applaud the way that you have supported Liz Truss after the monstrous way that the elitist establishment destroyed her premiership. The one concern that I have is where is Ben Habib? I hope that he is campaigning hard in his constituency and on board with Nigel.

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Ben Habib

Should be there instead of Richard Tice

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Now Nigel is leader of Reform, I will be voting Reform.

Penny Mordaunt is my MP Friends with Bill Gates and Sadiq Khan.

She has no children not worried about ours.

Sunak is deliberately trying to loose so his friend Keir Starmer will get in so Tony can run the country, And go to WAR. Sunak, Blair, Cameron, Starmer, Mordaunt etc etc all WEF puppets.

Remember in UK and USA they will use the migrants to vote.

More will come in every day up to the election all employed and paid for by the UN

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Quite cool seeing all the faces I have seen over the years getting some recognition. I thought Michael Heaver might be there too, as he is in the same circle I feel. You can see how Nigel has learned from his UKIP experience to ensure he isn’t distracted by constant undermining and infighting. Hope he gets the job done, he’s a hero of mine no matter what, no other person has made as much impact under so much fire from the establishment. Oh and Aaron Banks deserves a mention too.

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Michael Heaver

Is very good

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I am sure they are still great friends - this is just his immediate team - it can't include everyone Nigel is in contact with!

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Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

The GB News people who supported you are not a surprise to me. Nigel Farage is a special person in our wonderful country.

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Jun 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Wouldn’t that just be the absolute pinnacle? Prime Minister Farage and Chancellor Tice 🤞

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