Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

William and Kate = duty and dignity.

Harry and Meghan = avarice and attention craving.

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Very true.

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

The only words that come to mind when you hear Prince Harry are Boats and Burned!

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

"Grief, racism, Invictus. Grief, racism, Invictus. Grief, racism, Invictus." Repeat forever.

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It's his playbook now

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Sounds like the Ginger Whinger known as Hazno😁

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Nails it.

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

William always knew what is future was going to be the one thing he thought he could count on was his brothers support, instead he’s had to deal with Harry’s betrayal time and time again.

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Indeed. How sad.

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

What a thoroughly reprehensible person Harry is. Thank goodness someone in the Royal family is prepared to tell it as it is. There has been too much sentimentality and amateurishness - mixing up the personal and professional. Prince William is being businesslike and about time someone was. The Royal family has many admirable qualities but rigour and professionalism are not amongst these. If they were not operating by their 'very special rules' how long would they survive as a 'firm' in the business community? Prince Harry is not the calibre of human being who should be associated with any business , much less a royal one. Would you employ him?

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

It's truly sad to see how far he's fallen.

From a cheeky chappy (I used to say happy, but we all know far too much- this is a deeply, deeply unhappy manchild) who captured the heart of the world over, to an almost unanimous feeling of "We've heard far too much of you and your power hungry wife, now please just shut the hell up."

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The world was captured by a created image that didn't exist. Concocted by the family so poor harry would feel like he too was special---no effort on his part. String together selected pictures and you can make anybody appear to be anything you want them to be. Edit out all the abuse, the tantrums, the drugs, alcohol, wild degraded parties, cheating, rantings and jealousies, and only keep the times the camera caught him laughing and playing games, and you have the happy Chappy harry. The fact is, Cressida and Chelsea paint a completely different picture of a self-absorbed, arrogant, insensitive, hot-tempered, selfish and entitled man who refused to grow up. Cressida grew weary of his constant jealous rantings about William and his fury at his father; his never ending paranoia (drugs will do that to you), that the press was hiding behind bushes, when they were nowhere near; following him when they were far away from everything and everybody. She finally told him to "get help", and broke up with him. Whiny, immature, and always needing everything his way. Old videos of him having tantrums, sulking and yelling at his father and other players at polo matches, have now been scrubbed. Harry's a mental case, and his mother knew it and even referred to it. Over-indulged and coddled, he grew up "Poor Harry" and at middle age this man child is making money off being Poor Harry. I don't think there's any other woman beside his yacht whore who would have him. Neither Cressida no Chelsea wanted him---they didn't need to drag his lazy behind through their life, and they certainly didn't need any titles to succeed. They didn't need to do parking lot pap walks, dress in outlandish clothes and collect a mantle full of meaningless trophies to get validation---and to support his lazy behind. They moved on, grew up and found men who knew how to earn a living and who were actually adults.

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Excellent analysis. Well done.

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A good article Dan. Harry has become a sad, pathetic man who now relies on being a victim (in his mind). Megan must have brainwashed him and look how she's turned her back on her own family. This idea Diana is guiding and speaking beyond the grave is ludicrous and to think he was once one of the most popular Royals, tragic really.

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

I really like Justice Fancourt, he’s really not taking any cr*p from Harry & his lawyers. Pity a few more of our judges aren’t this good

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Harry and that wife of his are true filth. Very sad, but true. Full stop.

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Harry will be the eternal victim. His use of his mother - many people loose a parent at a young age sadly. I lost my dad at just 16 years old. Whether it’s tragic circumstances, unexpected etc at a young age you will always rue their loss. I think of my dad every day (he died 46 years ago) but i don’t use it - you learn to love with it and hang onto the happy memories. Harry is now monetizing his mother’s death which he and William agreed not to do - to not talk about her. It’s clear why William has now disowned him because he has let him and the RF down.

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PLEASE watch The Royal Grift - Is this the reason Prince Harry DESTROYED Evidence for the UK case posted yesterday on You Tube.....


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She’s very good! Intelligent. Goes the extra mile and keeps digging until she finds what she’s looking for.

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

Your factual reporting make everything fall into place, Dan. When I watched those princes together when they were young, never did I think this is where we'd be today with Harry.

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I think things are finally coming to the surface for Harry and he is just not prepared for the reality of real life. He has always had the protection of the Royal family to help him with his PR disasters. Not now and does not have a wife who will stand by him in the thick of things like Prince William and Princess Catherine. I have been married to the same amazing man for 36 years and he looks at me the same way Prince William looks at his wife…I saw that on the balcony at the Trooping of the Colour. It was plain as day! That look between them is the real thing. Harry can only dream of that type of support or look from his wife! I saw how bad things have really become for Harry in the video of Megan taking his flowers on the tour in Nigeria. It was unbelievable and I am NO Harry fan but even I felt a bit sick watching her be that cruel.

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

Dan, excellent summary of everything that's wrong with Harry to date. Just one point about Netfilx, their information on the Mercedes isn't accurate. The late John Morgan's last book has the story. Henri Paul wasn't driving his own limo which had been in the garage. The limo he did drive had been tampered with. Details in John's book which is still available.

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton

Love you Dan Wootton 💪❤️🇬🇧

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Jun 28Liked by Dan Wootton


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Sorry America's Labour Party (Democrats) cornered the market of Haz and his wife, who was supposed to be our next President a few years ago....Meghan is probably the only person worse than Joe Biden for that job!

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Please keep them; you are welcome to them! They would spoil another couple!

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Like his friend Obama telling us not to vote Brexit.

Bill Gates has said he is happy as long as it is Conservative or Labour win the election,

He does not mind who.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

That says a lot - gives validity to the uniparty argument. Same thing here in the US. All bow to the WEF/Globalists, except Trump and the MAGA movement. I see Farage as the same as Trump in that they love their countries over rich weirdos who want to rule the world.

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Obama and Gates should both be in jail. They are the scum of the earth.

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