
Thank god for this 🙏 I am sick of Bouzy and his rabid squaddies churning out their disgusting narrative

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These squaddies are sadistic, criminal and the devil’s spawn. I loathe their obedience to Meghan the most insane, delusional pos liar in the world. She is not 43% Nigerian anymore that Jill Biden is. Her lies are mocking the entire world and why does the USA media suck up all her lies as nectar of the gods?

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Tbh, I’m not entirely certain about Jill Biden in any context- along TOW! I remember being concerned when she exhibited no concern for her husband running when he first announced that he would run for POTUS. (I detest that acronym, but have personal reasons for using it, going forward) I truly considered it to be elder abuse- and still do, although I think criminal charges may now be attached to it.

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

True, they have no shame.

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Nor do they have even a shred of decency and humanity just like their minions, the Sussex Squad.

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

Nasty, nasty, nasty, well done Dan for calling these people out yet again 😡 Every other woman in this country can make the decision as to whether they want to work at all and when they want to work. Catherine is not our property, she’s not the property of the state, she’s not in an elected role. Up to her to decide, I wish people would give her space.

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

Bouzy is a pathetic specimen, as a normal working woman I had chemo and it knocked me for six, I lost my hair had horrendous fatigue and was very sickly. Why for goodness sake should our princess Katherine have to appear publicly if she is feeling very unwell just to please that cretin Bouzy, he needs to back of and go and live in la la land with the gruesome twosome. Keep fighting these people Dan 💪

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Are you doing OK now Jean?

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Thank you Dan, I was one of the lucky ones who beat it.💪

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That’s wonderful!! 💖😀

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How are you doing Jean.? The treatment of cancer “to most” sounds more horrendous than the disease it’s self ♥️

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I am fine now thank you 💙but I feel fior Kate going through all the treatment in the public eye.

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I could not possible comprehend how hard it’s been for you or your family and now a sadly) PC. Words fail me in conveying how brave you have been. All I can offer up is admiration, for all you have endured and all that PC is having to navigate. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

It's time hazbeen and megaliar we're sorted, just so fed up with their constant torture to the Royal family and the public!!

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

I just reported a particularly heinous post about Princess Catherine on X. I watched both my parents fight and pass way from cancer and it was an extremely difficult and gruelling time. People think they have the right to be in Princess Catherine’s personal health, well I don’t think so! I think to myself, how would I feel if I had to have my own personal health history documented and photographed on the world stage? It would terrify me. And as a mother of three children as well I completely understand Prince William and his actions of protecting his wife like a lion. She and his children are his world. Just as I know my husband would do the same for me. I have made many comments on X and IG sending Prince William my support from our little home in Canada knowing we have his back, and wish his and his family all the hearth and healing in the world. They deserve it and to do it in complete privacy surrounded by loved ones who they can trust and know have their best interests at heart. And that is not Hazbeen and his wife MeGain.

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So sorry you had to go through that.

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I reported an awful post on X about Catherine a few weeks ago, really nasty it was. Got a message back saying it was acceptable 🙄 and I should just block the sender of the post.

I seriously question many things in this world I really do, some things are just very wrong, whether they break certain rules or not. Allowing a seriously ill person to be bullied in such an openly aggressive manner no matter how you try to fluff it up is WRONG.

I don’t like Madam in Montecito at all but if it were her going through the same horror I’d feel exactly the same…leave her alone!

As someone who had cancer, battled it and won I know how crucifying it is mentally and physically. My son was 11 at the time and I can’t even begin to put into words the horror I felt that he could lose his mum.

Still makes me incredibly upset when I allow myself to be back in those moments, it never goes away. Truly wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, yet as we type these messages many women and men are facing the exact same prospect.

Meghan and Harry are cruel but they have a long life ahead if they’re lucky and they don’t know what could befall their family so therefore being the alleged mature adults who have evolved and learned that tragedies often strike, Harry especially knows this, then you never take aim at a person walking through hell because you don’t know when it will be your turn.

Life can be brutal but people don’t have to be, it’s a choice and a thoroughly despicable one at that.

Harry particularly I find hard to fathom, that’s his sister in law whom he used to obviously adore! His brother’s wife for goodness sake, mother to his two nephews and niece. He definitely has descended way down in my estimation, he could stop this attack on Catherine or at least defend her as the caring brother in law he once seemed.

In stead of feeling oh so sorry for himself he should defend his father and his sister in law as am sure they have defended him many times in the past. He may surprise himself at how empowering it is to tell that so called woman he married to shut the fuck up! 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️

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I am both proud- and also relieved- to see that someone else can empathize with a situation and also be angered by it. I have found myself in that quandary as I watched this evolve, and I was a bit astonished at how angry I became. Admittedly, while I occasionally implored people to accommodate to the privacy request, I became incensed when respected people persisted with questions because THEIR CONCERN was genuine and justifiable. I unsubscribed from everything I could, and I know it doesn’t matter to anyone but me.

Yet I firmly believe that when enough of us will STAND UP FINALLY for our beliefs, the pendulum will swing. It has already begun to swing, as noted in Wooten’s column today (6/21) in both the U.K. and the U.S. It was imperceptible a few years ago, but it can be seen now. And Alison, you also give me hope that more of us will no longer accept the shoddy standards of social behavior which are, often, immoral and illegal. Censorship, camouflaged as a means to protect children, will not be acceptable to most of us. So I thank you for speaking out and standing up, in protection of others.

I am so very sorry that you are speaking from deep, personal pain and experience, Alison. Thank you for kindly sharing all of your thoughts. Out of such generosity, many of us learn to better versions of ourselves. You might even reach Harry, because it does seem so unlikely that anyone could change so much. Touching Harry, even a bit, could make a world of difference…that would indeed be empowering.

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Thank you 😊

You know I call Harry because he frustrates the life out of me, he must see what he’s doing and you can’t tell me that someone who adored Catherine ( he did! ) isn’t very upset at her current plight.

Only he knows why he goes along with MM and her mother, think they know too much about him and the rest of the family and also he’s got two children he will love no matter how they came into his life, just a shame he couldn’t be truthful about it because most of us wouldn’t care a jot if only there was truth instead of lies and malevolence.

Harry obviously has huge problems and I can understand his jealousy towards his brother as a young child and young man but really now he’s an adult of nearly 40 years I do think if he really thinks about what his brother is shouldering then perhaps through mature eyes it all starts to look like blimey maybe it’s not so bad being shunted down the line.

William didn’t ask to be king but it’s his destiny and he’s taken that destiny on in his way and am sure he maybe would’ve appreciated the support of his brother but that’s now gone.

Harry has hurt all his family, he hurt his dear grandparents and they didn’t deserve that. If he has any remorse at all, only he truly knows that and if he has the courage to stand up for himself and reject the poison his wife has injected into his veins.

For the sake of his children I hope he does because they won’t be small innocent little humans forever and he needs to get them away from the malevolence, they need to see the other side of it all, their royal heritage, grandfather, uncle and aunt, cousins, denying them that right is cruel and will only backfire horrendously one day in the future.

Think he’s got himself into something he knows is bad and wrong, deep down he knows it, but to extract himself from it is going to take all the bravery he can muster, he must stand up for himself and what he truly believes, admit he was wrong. I find it hard to believe he really believes all he has said and written, think he’s under the cosh and he knows it.

There’s really no winning with a narcissist, you just have to get away from them and slowly you begin to find yourself again. You realise that the narcissist operates from a place of spiteful malevolence and it’s all they ever will.

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Magnificent! I am in awe, Alison, and apologize for not responding earlier, but I wasn’t well. You have such fire, that no longer feel so alone- it as if, in a dream, I am hearing my echo! 😂 Truly well done! I am gratified, for I feel as if we, as my Mom would say, .we are simpatico! We may be several hundreds of mile apart, yet I do feel a kindred spirit, and I feel slightly less alone in this mighty big world…thank you! 💗😀

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I’m really touched by your comment. My 15 yr old died from cancer after suffering almost a year in children’s hospital in Indianapolis. My sister stayed with him every day. I helped with many other things (she has 2 daughters) but also was able to almost move to her house. No one that hasn’t experienced the effects of cancer. It almost killed my sister, her husband, their marriage….. when I see the ungodly comments from m/h’s fans on X it hurts me inside. Honestly, how can there be so many people filled with that much hate and evil? I believe h/m are online making some of those comments. This award h bought, Pat Tillman a true hero is being trashed by h so he can throw media attention off his crimes is more than disgusting. I think, why are we, as Americans allowing this pos walk all over our heroes? It really does sicken me. And the billionaires between this have nothing in common with American even if they were born here. They sold their souls long ago. I believe h buying this award is an attack on the USA as much as firing a weapon. We must sign petition, contact congress, and all government officials, Disney is deeply involved in this and write them too. h moving here and taking over is unacceptable!

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You are absolutely right in what you say and there are far more people who would say the same then those who seem to hero worship the vile devil spawn in Montecito 👏👏

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

Williams will be a great King. Accountable, responsible and kind hearted.

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

I fear for Princess Catherine and the battle she’s facing.

To add more pressure to try to force her to respond is nothing more than bullying tactics of the highest level.

Imo! I believe the succubus suckex attacks and those of their ss squad “at their behest” allegedly is as sinister as it is sicking, in the hope Princess Catherine and Prince William will fall under the strain.

Utter deplorable. What worse is they are getting away with it. The BIGGER question is “WHY”

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Personally! I have my own theory on why, they are getting away with it.

I believe and this is “my own opinion”!

I can’t help but feel (succubus and PA) knew each other during her yacht days


maybe the royal family knew about the surrogacy and are protecting Queen Elizabeth legacy.


Maybe it’s even bigger than that!!!

Maybe politics, big corporations and other controlling organisations all have a hand in presenting one story ie succubus & hazard as a distraction to what’s really going on. Could it be perhaps! the RF are being controlled by big companies to stay 🤫 in order to achieve the narrative, that’s only privy to those at the top “Soros Gates, Fauci to name a few. Could well be wrong but can’t help feeling, whatever the reason (it’s huge)

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What utter twaddle!! Think you’ve definitely been sucked into the conspiracy theory train by that evil disciple of the Sussex coven. Think you need to take a step back, think seriously about what you have written here and reset - if you can’t do that then this discussion platform isn’t really for you

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Who are YOU to tell someone else how they should or shouldn't think? With all the current "conspiracy theories" floating around that have been proven true, who's to say if she's right or not, only time will tell. Site facts, not just YOUR opinion, because she's entitled to her's!

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

Prince William was taken under the great wings of Her Majesty The Queen, when he was growing up and at Eton teaching Him the “Ropes” so to speak.

Also Prince William has His Mothers Touch , Empathy with people He meets …. His smile isn’t forced.

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

This Chris whatever should act his age instead of his shoes size 😡. This absolute braindead idiot needs to grow up and tell these 2 waste of space morons to leave Princess Catherine alone. Infact All should back of and let her regain her health WITHOUT any hassle

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

In the age of texting and social media and instant response to anything anyone says (even this one), it is becoming more and more important to relearn the art and science of ignoring that which offends or is false or harmful. Cut it out of your life! End of comment. Oh wait, new comment. Have some respect for one another.

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Dan - I’m so so glad you are enjoying your time in the beautiful state of Florida……..although you need to come out here to California. You would love it here….

As far as all of this foolishness goes……..for two people who couldn’t wait to get out of Britain and the oppression they felt by having to be royal, they can’t let it go, can they? Even someone who is not a therapist can figure these two out….they do not do a very good job of hiding their intent.

Looks like they got their wish - one foot in and one foot out…….only of their own making.

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I read the piece by the aforementioned lady, she’s always very measured, intelligent and thoroughly decent in her X posts unlike so many.

What a thoroughly disgusting pathetic apology for a man Bouzy is, am amazed he’s just been allowed to hound Catherine and William like he does.

As for those two odious cretins in Montecito…be careful what you wish for, life can be a great leveller. Harry should be put against a wall and shot with 💩 for not putting a stop to this witch hunt against his sister in law.

He’s probably not like this but I sincerely hope James Middleton when he gets his chance, punches Harry right in the mush for upsetting his sister during her period of distress. Harry deserves no better…odious and craven specimen.

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Don’t condone violence but this scenario “I’d definitely pay to see”. Sorry but I’m so incensed by all they do a good smack in the mush, is justifiably in my 📕

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Same here, never laid a finger on anyone in my life but my goodness can understand why William felt the need to grab him by the throat! That was before all this with Catherine, her illness and the vile Sussex attack dogs constantly stirring up outrageous falsehoods about a woman who has had to go through the emotional torment of being told she has cancer cells present in her body and is now undergoing a treatment which has incredibly awful and debilitating side effects.

The emotional torment alone without the chemotherapy is horrendous, to be told you have cancer is utterly terrifying. When you have children it’s torture trying not to think of the possibility you may not live to see them grow up. All those awful feelings and uncontrollable thoughts will have hit that poor lady like a sledgehammer.

It’s unbelievably cruel to continue to torment her and William. Those two cretins in Montecito are disgusting, goodness I couldn’t look at myself if I were them but obviously it’s like water off a ducks back.

So I’d fully understand a Middleton or anyone who values family, loyalty, decency, compassion, empathy, a loving mother and wife going through hell, thinking I’m going to plant that useless cretin one when I set eyes on him.

Let’s not forget they’ve previous form for this, the late Duke of Edinburgh, her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, King Charles and now the Princess of Wales. How ruddy low as a human being to you have to be to target a seriously ill person with abuse and mind games…dear me would break my lifetime of no physical stuff to crack Harry one, he’s an utter disgrace…craven.

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As I have said , I don’t condone violence but have to admit, if ⚠️ was my brother, I’d seriously consider it 😉 .

As for PC, the very idea of not seeing her children grow would be unfathomable. For me, as a mum not seeing my son grow, would have been incomprehensible, add to that feeling so ill, so weak and unsure is beyond staggering. As for heartless #trolls who by guidance!!! try to goad her into appearing, it’s totally despicable and completely unforgivable. My heart goes out to her not only as our Princess but as a mother and the battle she faces. So horrendously sad.

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I've had a few run-ins with the Sussex trolls, they are absolutely vile and their posts are disgusting. I applaud William for keeping an extremely tight support group around Catherine. He will only allow those in that he trusts implicitly. I so admire his steadfastness, he will make a fine King one day. The Montecito grifters must be incandescent with rage they are not in the Royal loop and so send their dogs out in a bid to seek revenge. We are well rid of this nasty, lying pair.

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May 28Liked by Dan Wootton

He also doubled down in a, now deleted, post:


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I read his post and wondered how he knows so much about having cancer and being female? The man is one of the most ungodly creatures I’ve ever seen, spewing out nonsense and lies.

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Prince William is a real credit to the Royal Family feel sorry that he has so much stress and worry on his plate right now but he is doing a fantastic job.

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He certainly is. He will make a wonderful King, and so will young George because he has the BEST father.

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