Has Meghan Markle been diagnosed with narcissism or is it just us watching from the outside who see it?

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I'll diagnose her with it right here right now!

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Bravo Dan ....... you call it like you see it!!!

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All of us armchair psychologists are with you!

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To be diagnosed, you have to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. Narcissists think that they’re BETTER than anyone else and are immune to therapy. So, there.

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You don't have to be "evaluated by a psychiatrist." Not in today's mental health world. I've worked with one. Trust me. It is very easy to spot especially in today's "me, myself and I" world.

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That's only an official diagnosis however as a psychotherapist I can tell you just by watching behaviour she's absolutely narcissistic.

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She seems to have that type of personality, although humans in general tend to look down on others. The rich and middle classes often do not want their children to hang out with poorer classes.

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Good ? Many clinical professional physiologist have deemed her deranged, unstable and psychotic but I’m at a loss to understand why she still allowed to roam loose in society. Must Normal people like you and I would have been committed as a danger to society, which imo ( she truly is)

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She's absolutely a narcissist.

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Harry is a traitor to the monarchy and this country and should be treated as such. He should be stripped of all titles and to live in exile. I don’t care if he gets kicked out of America as long as he doesn’t come back here or any Commonwealth country. I guarantee she won’t follow him but will divorce him!

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Yes! Remember she was living in a different country from her last husband and sent her wedding rings back to him in the mail. Things beginning to look familiar?

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Eat shit Harold!!

I’d happily put myself between Prince William and any harm.

I did 20 years service for Elizabeth The Great and I’d serve another 20 for William and Catherine.

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I get the sentiment, but the collective wisdom of ARRSE might laugh as you creak to stag on again.

Instead you can join the London 5th F--You's, tasked with static deployment if Hairbrain comes to London, as rumoured, for Ingriftus next month.

Now that is a kick in the taters for veterans with Harold's patronage. Yet they don't learn for some reason does IG.

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No creaking here.

Also I served in the RAF so never had to ‘stag on’ I stood guard, for very small amounts of time once or twice a year. Even then, I still managed more tours of war zones than Harold and didn’t kill or endanger any one simply by my presence.

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Ah, RAF. Did you leave your five star hotel long enough to see the sights? Still an upgrade than Bunker Harry's accom... It does the brethren in blue good to understand the "gate goes up, gate goes down" protocol ...

Seriously though, service jokes aside, I think even the lowest "cook" tasked with mil catering has more credible service than Harry. And they didn't have many burley men surrounding them either. Like you didn't. Unless you were a VSO in need of a bit of CP.

So much smoke and mirrors for that young(er) man. A normal person with his intellect and standing wouldn't have got within sniffing distance of Sandhurst (I actually wonder if he would have passed a standard mil training programme - even the Army), but a Granny Pass does wonders, especially when VSOs are concerned about vertical trajectory and shiny objects being intimated by pols...

And the rest just get on with their job - in either service - because that's what they do, even if UK Plc tends not to give a shit about them afterwards. That is a kicker.

And Harry claimed he had to be the one to protect the Queen (if I remember the dim quote correctly) from others around her. What a grade A joke.

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Hahaha leave the hotel? Dear God Woman 🧐(I’ve assumed your biological sex from your name, a thousand SNP pardons if you are offended)

A gate you say? One hopes the buttons for that mechanical contraption has indication for the ‘up and down’ on its aforementioned buttons, or I will have to deploy to my fainting couch.

I actually have a pair of Lowas that have a more credible service than the ginger prick.

I will not allow the obvious thawing of inter-service tension to go without mention and all in the solidarity that Harold, is indeed, a wanker. 🇬🇧

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Well done, and I extend a salute as a US Navy veteran. 🇬🇧 🇺🇲

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Ahhh well hello there transatlantic cousin. I had the absolute pleasure of working with some amazing American service personnel in JFC Brunssum.

I am standing with you in sprit for the ongoing battle for American Freedom 🇺🇸

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Neh, not a splita**e... nor assert my right to be called one in today's modern world.

Glad to hear you were keeping up standards and not letting the side down.

Actually Harold is an affront to all decent masturabtors :) The tool also forgot the oath he swore, or even the behaviour of an officer, gentlemen and senior Royal.

One rumour, absolutely not confirmed, is he saw most contact in what we might call "greek wrestling" during his time in. Well it is technically legal. So more the sham marriage he complained about Mummy (when not rubbing his todger thinking of her) and Pa.

Funny old world.

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You and I both( RAF signals) Tbh! if she’s been inbound, I might have used the wrong flags and signals to divert them both to the deepest depth of the pacific… if landing on land (the biggest hanger) may have had a catastrophic collision.

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Bloody hell. Has Harry finally lost his ginger marbles?

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Did he even have any to begin with?

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In MeMe's handbag. Or MA's hands. One of the two.

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Possibly in a vice? Oooh painful 🤣🤣🤣

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Never had them.

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Megan keeps them in her handbag

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Saved under “ just incase” it’s her only attachment.

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Good on Queen Camilla, she's protecting her husband and the King from his mentally unwell son and demon in law. GG Texas

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Both mentally unwell and demons; a perfect match— one could say.(Speaking here of Harry and wife, of course.)

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I truly believe that William MUST stand his ground in regards to Harry and his vile counterpart and focus on his dad, The King and Katherine his wife, our future Queen during these very sad and stressful times. Queen Camilla is doing wonderfully with the weight of the monarchy on her shoulders supporting her husband The King. I for one am very proud of her. All we can do is pray for His Majesty our dearest Katherine and all of The Royal Family. God Save The King x

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I really think he will stand his ground.

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Im praying Dan. x

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Have had the feeling for a while, now, that Harry's mental health was suffering. Now, I'm sure of it! To even think that Meagain could EVER be the Queen of the United Kingdom, is totally laughable! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 To have those two on the throne, would be the quickest way of turning this country into a Republic!

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Sadly, the two of them wouldn’t mind destroying the Monarchy, and the Royal Family, if they cannot become King and Queen Consort….as a next best achievement, likely, in their minds — and the aim of their dwindling number of backers.

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I liked the way Dan started. Interviewing Angela so she could show who she is and what she has done. We're so used to loud, know-all media commentators, I sometimes see dismissive comments about her simply because she is unassuming and 'ordinary' and doesn't try to play the audience. Dan brings the best out of her. Loved the remaining content pulling everything together.

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So appreciate this. And you're totally right – people are very wrong to dismiss her.

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Hello Dan. I have just found this thread. meghan is THE female trump. It is so obvious. He is an entirely wicked human being as is she. You may recall when rump first came on the scene, there was a letter sent to lawmakers signed by many, many professional healthcare workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, etc about the danger he represented and the serious potential for the harm he could do to this country. He is described by these professionals as a ‘malignant narcissist’, which is the most dangerous mental health condition there is. And look what he has done. She is the same as he is. I just RUE the day he was ‘unleashed’ on the planet, and now her as well. Pandora’s Box.I am an American and it makes me sick those who support him are so ignorant. Most Americans have never left their zip code and are so out of touch with what goes on in the rest of the world. Oh, and can’t fucking see what is happening here.

There is a very good book written by Madeleine Albright (brilliant former Secretary of State) called ‘Fascism, A Warning’. She goes back through history and details the exact playbooks used by all dictator personalities-Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini , on and on. They are all the same, and it is so obvious what is happening now. The Republican Party supporting Putin against Ukraine; WHAT THE FUCK!

The worst of all of this is the rest of my family are trumpers. I can hardly bear it. Biden has been the best president this country has ever had and I am not afraid to say so. America will most certainly get what she votes for if he gets anywhere near the White House every again. There will be no more elections that’s for sure. We need help.

Thanks for reading my rambling.


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Good grief, what an unhinged, ignorant, condescending, off-topic rant. You certainly have a low opinion of your fellow Americans. Never left their zip codes? Grow up. Biden is by far the worst president in U.S. history and now he is completely senile. If you really do code blues you should know senility when you see it. And you know nothing about the electoral system if you think one man can end it. Get help.

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You’re funny.

Read the news. Study some statistics. Read history. Oh especially the book I mentioned. If you think I don’t know about how elections work, I do. And yes, one person can change it-they are called dictators and fascists and they crush anyone that gets in their way. Like all those against Putin who keep just ‘falling out of windows’, oh and Navalny. Know who Putin is? Look what just happened with Russia's recent ‘election’. Free and fair? It’s called bogus. Putin was never ‘voted’ back into office, and there will never be a ‘free and fair election’ as long as he’s is alive. If you pay attention to the news you will see the Republican Party doing their very best to take away American’s voting rights. And, no. I don’t think at all highly of angry, gun toting Americans who sit around with their remotes in front of the TV and hate everything and everyone for their own failures, or hate just everything in general. HATE has become very, very popular in America lately, if you hadn’t noticed. They complain but they never contribute to solutions. I have been politically active in the Democratic Party for a number of years. I know the drill.

You gave yourself away trumper.

Where are you from by the way?

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Good grief, what an unhinged, ignorant, condescending, off-topic rant. You certainly have a low opinion of your fellow Americans. Never left their zip codes? Grow up. Biden is by far the worst president in U.S. history and now he is completely senile. If you really do code blues you should know senility when you see it. And you know nothing about the electoral system if you think one man can end it. Get help.

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Clarification: America will get what she votes for if trump ever gets near the White House again.

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Agree. She’s intrigued me and I enjoyed how Dan allowed her to speak. I’m going to buy her Harry and Camilla books now, as I enjoyed how much she understood the people she was talking about.

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Absolutely no way, should she ever be anywhere near being Queen . Personally I hope neither of them ever return in any way shape or form they are a completely completely toxic couple.

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Perhaps this is why he needs security, as they keep upping the bullshit pressure and innuendo and one day someone will take a swing. Just as the loadmouth in the pub eventually gets a kicking somewhere, whether in the public bar or in the car park for repeatedly being a prize A tool.

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Loved seeing you both together and what an excellent interview. Heartbreaking that Angela Levin was accused of hanging out with Nazis! Absolutely disgusting and more so with such a huge rise in antisemitism. That made me so sad.

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Great article, Dan. Thank you for having the courage to print what millions of us have been thinking and saying about these two grasping miscreants since they hooked up. I believe there was more to the rushed wedding than is known and the issue of the invisikids, but I leave that to you to uncover (and I know you will). Keep on printing the truth about he Sussex's lies and machinations. It's like having a real, live Lady McBeth in the royal family.

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Not in my live time.

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What dark, unappealing people the Sussexes are. I do not have respect for either of them.

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Meghan wants? Our late Queen knew the sort of person Meghan was! Harry needs to man up and move away from this manipulative woman.

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Well she must be ‘good at it’. Some of harry’s friends said so as well.

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Meghan is a sociopath, and Harry is her nasty little puppet

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