May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

From my point of view and from what was done to us in South Africa, we complied and paid heavily with one of the strictest lockdowns like the UK. We were censored, arrested ect. We are still reeling from the effects of what was done to us. So they will probably try it again the difference is I and many others will not comply. This next statement is considered controversial, but it’s an old saying and stands true for many many people, “ I would rather die fighting, than on my knees”

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I so agree Linda. And that’s why we need to keep fighting.

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

That’s “Live on my knees”

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Exactly as I see it. Things got stricter here when Biden took over, and I, like you, was a good little girl and followed "instructions". Tons of stuff about how unnecessary/ineffective/even harmful those measures were have since come out. I am fine with them providing vacccines, but don't force people to get one. I think the powers that be will be unhappy if they try that crap again.

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

No way will I comply😡😡😡

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NEVER did and NEVER will. Since the beginning, I always question the validity of being forced into isolation and the narrative of having a fast track vaccine.

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I can't "like" this but I LIKE this! It's been 5 days since my "like" button shut off.

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Nor will me and mine..

Thank you for all you do🤎

Keep up the excellent work Dan.

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The reason we haven’t “repudiated it” is that most people think that granny died from someone tinkering with a virus somewhere so will actively welcome “pandemic preparedness”.

That messaging is drowning out the fact that most people were essentially murdered.

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That is true

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

So many people in the UK still think it was the right thing to do, including my 9 x jabbed father in law.....so many will still comply next time, although I'm not sure businesses will be quite so compliant. Many are on the brink, particularly in the hospitality industry. Many of the most swivel eyed loons were paid huge sums by pharma - Dr David Strain, on GBnews defending the AZ jab just a week ago, paid 125 grand by them. Many nhs doctors paid by Pfizer, AZ....corruption runs deep.

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He’s awful.

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The vaccine is killing young people not the elderly, That is why your father in-law is alright

probably had a saline shot.

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I doubt he had saline, he's 81 and had all Pfizer. He's declined rapidly in terms of cognitive function and his partner is constantly sick. From personal observation, it appears to accelerate the ageing process and cancers in older people. His older brother had a massive stroke days after his 4th jab. Left him without speech or movement on one side of his body. My own mum got blood clots after her 3rd jab, so I don't think it's entirely correct to say its not affecting the elderly. It's more a case of old people are more likely to die, so their deaths are not questioned.

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I had three shots as my husband is elderly and was scared. I have an autoimmune disease and take immunoglobulin. I was doing really well. Then I got COVID in December. COVID was mild but then I had three months of a flare from the autoimmune like you wouldn’t believe.

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I'm so sorry that happened to you. Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferso, who write Trust The Evidence are currently doing a very deep dive into the shots and their effects. They have no skin in the game. If you're interested.

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There were no saline shots given during the vaccinations. The only time saline was given was during trails of the vaccine.

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The German insurance industry regulator has investigated this and it appears a placebo was given. There's a Brownstone Institute article on the subject, re Pfizer. There were 3 series of shots - a so called hot lot, with incidences of sav running at 1 in 35 shots, a lot with SAV running at 1 in 400 shots, and a series with no adverse events whatsoever. I have a friend who had 2 shots, one hot shot, and one placebo. The article provided batch numbers and dates.

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I read the article and it like most of the articles on the Brownstone site are full of half truths and innuendo. The idea of Placebos is based on the fact that those shots had no side effects. They weren't investigated or tested. They were simply deemed Placebo because they had no side effects. In the population there are people who have severe side effects, mild side effects and no side effects. The number of no side effects is always low. Mild is normal, and severe is low. Bio N Tec is a German firm that was making the vaccine for Pfizer in Europe. Since demand has dropped for the vaccine the amount of money that they receive is down as well and they are in financial trouble. Unless they come up with a new product they probably will go out of business.

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I know who Biontech is. And as they and Pfizer make numerous other pharma products which are used by healthcare systems worldwide it's wishful thinking to imagine they'll go out of business

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The article is here if anyone wants to read it and understand the true meaning.


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It will happen again.

WHO will make sure of that.

On the last lock-down no migrant had to be tested or vaccinated

I was then working for the NHS daily emails and bullying about the vaccine.

Now living with this time-bomb

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

In the last lockdown migrants were still entering this country in their droves.

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Yes they were Big boats, Lorries, Euro tunnel and other ways.

All men employed and paid for by the UN

We are becoming the minority.

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

Wow, are we just going to speed past the fact that there are incentive bonuses for assigning Covid as cause of death? I am gobsmacked

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Incredible isn’t it

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I am going to be doing some digging and scratching around today. I really am gobsmacked. What is stunning, is that in very different sovereign Countries around the world have the same policies being implemented over the same topics, while the circumstances of each country is vastly different.

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Dan, is it possible to get some clarification on what the Doctor meant by incentives. Are they for the Doctors signing death certificates or for the people who are passing away from Covid. I am finding certain “incentives” i.e. Grants, funeral benefits ect. So before I go further I thought maybe some clarity would be better. Thank you for all your hard work.

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I do know that doctors were getting paid extra for every jab they gave if that helps ?

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Thank you. This is shocking. It does give me another direction to look though. Profiting off our lives is not ok.

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Totally agree it’s well beyond comprehension.

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

They obviously will try it again, but doubt that people will be so compliant this time.

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

No WAY! MASSIVE resistance required!

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton


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But most people are brain washed and believe everything the media says.

And Tony Blair wants digital ID,no cash, more migrants and to go to war.

As he will be running the country when Labour gets in.

He is waiting to have Klaus Schwab job one world leader.

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I am sharing this interview like mad. Not just on social pages but in messages. People NEED to see this. People NEED to hear it. We cannot be conned into another lockdown. We cannot sleepwalk into another mass murder. I will fight with my last breath to destroy the power of WHO & WEF. We need to all stand together against this sh*t and get the truth out there.

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The global elite have to many powers and money.

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Yes. But as time has proven over and over again, that power can crumble and fall IF the whole are brave enough to make a stand. Which is why I want the message to reach far and wide.

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I had a heart attack caused by a blood clot after my 2nd AZ jab. I was 68 and not a HA risk at all and no history of blood clots. Denied at the time by my GP and cardiologist but subsequently confirmed 2 yrs later that the jab was the cause of the blood clot. I was fortunate. My HA was fixed by a stent and no permanent damage to my heart muscle, but I dodged a bullet there. Many, many others have not been so lucky. I will never trust the health ‘experts’ ever again, there are too many vested interests and corruption.

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Thank you for stating the manufacturer of your vaccine. Different manufacturer vaccines had different side effects and keeping the manufacturers in the loop keeps the different effects in line. AZ was awful and should never have been sent out.

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

Terrifieing Dan 😢

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I am 77 now and have COPD. For the first two weeks of the first lockdown I stayed in. However I needed to walk my dog and buy food so started going out every day. I wore no masks, had no tests, refused the jabs point blank. (As a former nurse I know vaccines can't be made that quickly), and I was never ill, not even a cold. On the other hand my sister had two jabs and now has a severe form of Vertigo which started after the first jab and got a lot worse after the second. I begged her to have no more and she hasn't thank God.

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deletedMay 20
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It's awful the damage that's been done. And as usual nobody will be held to account. The fact that AZ has withdrawn the jabs tells me everything I need to know about them.

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I find it staggering that there are still people out there who would support more lockdowns in the event of another pandemic,being a supermarket retail worker I like all people in my profession didn’t have the option to “stay home and save lives” we still had to go out at least 5 days a week to make sure there was food and other essentials available for people to buy,although I was initially in favour of wearing masks in enclosed spaces but have long since grown sceptical of how effective they were,I once saw an interview of a lady in tears because her husband died as a result of essential treatment being delayed because of covid being prioritised over all else not to mention heart disease and cancer patients having treatment delayed

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My ex husband had Stage Three cancer and when he had difficulty breathing, the ambulance crew declined to take him to hospital because he hadn't had a covid test ! He'd been housebound for a month !! Eventually the GP ordered an ambulance and got him into hospital. Sadly though his cancer treatment was put on hold because of covid, and he died.

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deletedMay 20
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Yes the response to normal patients was horrible.

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May 20Liked by Dan Wootton

Great chat thanks for posting as i missed the original

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Bret Weinstein has said our wanna-be "overlords" made one big mistake in their brutal response to covid: by forcing out people with opposing views, they created a Dream Team of people who stand for truth and justice. Thanks to both of you for being on that team.

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