Totally agree with PDina - Meghan makes up her life as she goes imho -- she is definitely mentally unstable!

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When she there muttering almost, ‘… a husband and 3 dogs …’ it sounded very much of mental health symptoms. Someone needs to tell Harry so he’s prepared when the meltdown happens. He’s too dim to work it out for himself or in denial as he trying to tell himself her amorous advances in public a norm, though he knows they shouldn’t happen.

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Thank you Dan for taking one for the team , it's very much appreciated . Great guests today , I follow all of your guests Sam, Pdina, the Sidley Twins and of course Angela . Thanks for the giggles guys , it's elevated it 😉

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She is also the Duchess of Dumbarton so she could be called Meghan Dumbo...no?

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No she/they not. They offered such but they refused, and as it turns out, am sure Dumbarton better without them!

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Harry is the Earl of Dumbarton, she is Countess of Dumbarton. It's on the Royal website. She might not like it but that's how it is.

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Don’t say it too loudly as Dumbarton would be upset, - they thought they’d missed the hit! lol!

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Great show Dan. 😍

I honestly couldn’t bare to watch a single episode, I can’t stand her!!

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Thank you Dan Wooton and to your all-star team of Angela Levin, PDina, the Sidley Twins, and Samantha Markle. I was laughing so hard I had to pause the recording while I was gasping for breath.

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Loved this show so much!! Was wondering when you were going by have the sidley twins on Dan and it couldn't have been at a better time!! Everyone was great on there. I was hoping you would have Samantha on too. Great job Dan!!!

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Thanks for taking one for the team, Dan!!!

Meghan is an embarrassment, to say the very least and highly unstable and living life in an Alice in Wonderland land at the most. When is she going to finally figure out that everyone thinks she is a horrible human being.

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Brilliant format Dan. Much better than just one guest. I laughed so much at the commentary.

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I’m one minute in and I already want to barf watching her. She’s insufferable!

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“Harry is a good cook “. She expects us to believe that a man who grew up in palaces and had private chefs his entire life can cook? I would be shocked if he could even boil water…the lies are never ending! 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Good grief, I was already going to dislike it on Netflix without bothering to see it. This is appalling stuff... what a weird woman.

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Thanks to all who watched/suffered on our behalf. You were all great! What a load of pure pretentious utter rubbish from Meghan Markle. It was cringeworthy.

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I would not even think of watching this garbbage just as I never watched the polo rubbish it's all tat.

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It’s so incredible to me , that anyone wants to watch this back stabbing cruel nasty entitled woman !!! I would not entertain her at all … she needs to apologise to her family and Harry’s family and so should Harry !!!

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Two thoughts.

i don't believe for one minute that she's cooks regularly for her husband and children.

Meg? Wasn't there a tv astrologer called mystic Meg?

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Why did you Dan feel it necessary to watch Markle? All it has achieved is give her more publicity. I'm sure that those who can't stand the woman, as I do, won't watch it whereas those that love her will. They won't change so why give her any airtime. Surely it would be better to ignore her she would find that far worse if the media stopped reporting on her.

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