concerning the petition on the uk parliament petition page close the borders suspend all immigration for 5 years it currently has 193,785 signatures .on the basis that e mails cant be censored or suppressed and they cant FACT.. be sure to contact all your u k e mail contacts in one email message ask each one of them to sign it and to reshare it with all there like minded uk e mail contacts in the same way ive asked you in one e mail message
concerning the petition on the uk parliament petition page close the borders suspend all immigration for 5 years it currently has 193,785 signatures .on the basis that e mails cant be censored or suppressed and they cant FACT.. be sure to contact all your u k e mail contacts in one email message ask each one of them to sign it and to reshare it with all there like minded uk e mail contacts in the same way ive asked you in one e mail message