Hi Dan

A very Happy New Year to you Dan, I know you probably won’t comment or publish this rant, but I feel all the better for highlighting it, as I’m sure the remaining few “good and loyal” British people will agree.

I believe over 50% of the country are on benefits of some kind or other?. Yes I’m on an OAP pension, which is classed as a benefit, but thank goodness for work pensions, but I worked 37 years for them.

Now we’ve got “working from home and abroad” And 4 day weeks, and over 50% of the 18 year olds getting university degrees in boozing and partying instead of trades.

Then there are those social media “tic tockers” and numerous social media “bloggers” earning questionable non taxable incomes. (From home)

And don’t get me on to MP’s with second jobs hosting TV and radio programmes.

No wonder HM Forces are declining at a rapid unacceptable rate.

End of my rant, and a “much the same” New Year to all, only worse to come with Starmer the Farmer Harmer, Reeves the Thieves”, Cooper the Trouper” and “illegal migrant scooper”, “Lammy the shammy” et al.

On the plus side and to be happy this New Year’s Eve, there are strong winds in the channel.

Best wishes

Bruce Hobday

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If only we could have strong winds in.the channel 365 day's in the year as its the only thing that stops the boats, unlike past and present governments.......

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Couldn’t agree more, I have been waiting for yougov to approve my petition below since the 2nd December, who haven’t cleared it yet, they said they have a backlog to get through, I wonder why?

Hi Friends and family

I raised a petition via changedotorg months ago with little success in numbers signing. Now that Yougov parliamentary petitions are at last up and running, and with the success of the recent Starmer petition, I thought this might be a better time to give it a try, especially via Yougov. See below for the reasoning. I need 5 signatures to get it up and running, then hopefully we can share it far and wide?

Click this link to sign the petition:


Our petition:

Criminalise illegal dinghy helmsmen to deter others in the future from taking the helm.

Make it unlawful for the individual operating the dinghy helm, similar to the punishments for lorry drivers bringing illegal migrants over the channel.

The solution is simple and feasible. Let's increase Royal Navy/Royal Marine/Border Force surveillance mid channel, and use drones to identify those individuals operating the dinghies. A harmless spray dye along with video evidence could be employed safely to identify the person at the helm, even if they are hooded. Any identified operator should face being arrested and charged with “people smuggling”. They should serve severe penalties, alternatively voluntary repatriation to their home country. It is highly likely dinghy helmsmen are given basic free training in compass and outboard motors from the people smugglers, and possibly a FREE crossing. If punished it may deter others.


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Hey, Dan!! Happy New Year!! Just think about how different this year will be from last year. I sent you some DMs that I hope you can eventually read very soon and pass along.

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I enjoyed the first episode of the countdown with June & the other lovely lady, however this one was hard going 😘 I hope episode 3 will have someone with a tad of personality, who’s droning voice doesn’t want you to switch off!

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