Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

They should have heard us before... I don't think Kemi is the answer to their problems either. If Suella could have taken over as PM things would have been different I am sure.

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And she could have...if the MPs had been brave enough. They weren't. They were arrogant.

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Yes, exactly Dan.

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It simply has to be Suella for me. Perhaps with Jacob as a, slightly more diplomatic, supporting act. I agree that Kemi would be a step backward.

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She would win with the members easily.

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

Suella - yes. Kenny Badenough the fake careerist - a big fat NO! The future is our Nigel, anyway.

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

Same for me-Suella

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

Kemi has revealed her true colours and it appears she is racist after all. At least the horrible David Tenant has drawn her out. She will be a hot favourite because she’s black and the “virtue-signallers’ choice”.

I want a true Brexiteer only, so Suella and Jacob are my choices but it’s too late to save the Cons. They’ve muffed every chance we gave them. Again and again and again. Vote Reform. They deserve a chance. (And take a black marker pen into the polling booth - don’t trust that pencil!!)

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ha good point!

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

We voted Conservative to “Get Brexit Done” and Boris Johnson happened to be the Conservative leader at the time with Dominic Cummings as his Chief Of Staff and Dominic won us Brexit as he was Chief of the Vote Leave campaign. Then Boris became awash with green and introduced Theresa May’s Net Zero which the great British public have ever had a vote on. Until now. VOTE REFORM !

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I'm 100% behind Nigel and Reform. The Conservaties had plenty of time to listen to us and getting rid of Boris sealed their fate. I do think a Reform party could merge with the Conservaties in the future and hopefully some of the decent Conservaties like Jacob and Suella will be major players.

I found Kemi's plea to Reform voters rather patronising and the suggestion we do not know what we are voting for is an insult to our intelligence.

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The same tactics that Remainers used after the Brexit vote 'We didn't know what we were voting for'. As if !

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Makes me so mad!

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Absolutely! It reminds me of that exact same sentence.

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The Remainers got Obama on TV to tell us to vote remain

History repeating it self.

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Jacob has zero chance of keeping his seat.

Check Ladbrokes betting and find out

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

Oh good. I was hoping Jenrick would appear on your list. I think he’s a contender but he didn’t rise to the top and get noticed until relatively recently. Seems to be a decent bloke. Either him or Suella. And you’re right about Kemi. Her attempt to prevent us voting Reform was arrogant, condescending and actually not very clever. Likening it to I’m a Celebrity is pathetic and so is claiming Farage is only doing this for attention. Suggesting these people are not like us, even though they are pretending to be is insulting to them and us - and quite honestly, if that’s the best she can come up with, she can sod off! She can’t tempt us back by insinuating that voting for Reform is beneath us. Sorry babe, you weren’t listening then and you ain’t listening now. You pretend to understand that we are disappointed in the Conservatives and that you’ve heard us - you have absolutely no idea how much you’ve let us down and that we totally blame your party. No one else, just you guys!

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Amazing summation, Donna.

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

I hope the Tories are wiped out, they have promised so much and lied relentlessly to the British people, they have destroyed this country and deserve nothing but the political desert. When they promised to control imigration they let in over 750k legal imigrants and on course for more, society is breaking down. Good riddance, come on Nigel👍

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

Totally correct!

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I think most people have forgotten that Boris actually said, in either an interview or a speech, that ending the eu freedom of movement would make room for immigration from all other parts of the world! I believe he got carried away with his own excited globalism and enthused about all the opportunities this would give. My heart sank and I wasn't surprised when the huge numbers of immigrants, legal and illegal, were announced. He is his father's son, in more ways than one!

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I am not going to vote but if you think Farage is going to do anything being the only MP or maybe 2 more your taking too many drugs

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

Kemi is another WEF Globalist, just like most of the Cabinet. Totally untrustworthy. Nigel Farage wouldn’t have anything to do with her as WEF members are not allowed to join Reform. Also applies to Labour Bigwigs too. All part of the same unpatriotic Cabal who prefer Davos to Westminster.

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

They don't know who/what they are voting for slithers all the way back to the arrogance and condescension of those criticising the Brexit vote.

The answer, for me, has somehow got to be a new right of centre movement with Nigel at it's head.

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Which could happen with one of the gang of four as Tory leader.

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

Well....that was a great read!

Politics is really too dirty for me to keep up with all the shenanigans. But I am clued up enough to recognise blatant untruths. Kemi Badenoch's comments about Nigel are just that, untrue. You comment, "Again, I call bullshit on that." was correct

I like the cut of the jib of Suella Braverman, Robert Jenrick and, to a lesser degree, Priti.


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Thank you so much Roy!

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

They are all running scared. Reform is the only answer.

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Hoping it does not get rigged

As all these male invaders coming in every day will be voting

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As I keep saying, take a black marker pen into the polling booth and don’t trust their pencil!✏️ 😱

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

I have always had reservations about Kemi Badenoch, despite her many abilities; the same goes for Penny Mordaunt and the condescension implicit in the denunciations of Farage is frankly infuriating and unlikely to persuade voters to abandon Reform.

As for Boris, my belief is that he was a disaster, a shape-shifter, full of bluster, bonhomie and faux-Churchillian soundbites and responsible for a rapid increase in legal migration, his role in the disastrous lockdowns, his posturing in Ukraine and his chaotic behaviour.

We have the chance to shake up the establishment,as the French are doing, but I wonder how much will be achieved, now that the controlling cabal is doing its best to undermine Farage, blaming the Russians- as with Brexit and treating us all like low grade simpletons.

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Penny Mordaunt is my MP friends with Bill Gates and Sadiq Khan

Has no children not worried about ours.

Hopefully she does not get in (fingers crossed )

Will land up in the house of Lords


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Any friend of Sadiq Kahn is NOT a friend of mine!

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Pack of lies

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Is she your MP

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Time to bust them up don’t you think?

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

The modern political phrases ‘we hear you’ and ‘lessons learnt’ are like the commercial breaks on television, sporadically punctuating a political programme whose script has already been written, and so will not change regardless of what the viewers/ electorate think.

When these meaningless platitudes, designed to sell you tat, next appear, simply stop watching, make yourself a cuppa, and then switch to the only genuinely conservative programme on offer. It’s called Reform.

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Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

Everyone should Google and check if their Tory candidate joined the coup to oust Boris… My Tory candidate did in a joint letter along with Badenoch.

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They should!

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Bojo is the best campainer but could not run a piss up in a brewery.

He is and always been a Liberal and wanted to give all the immigrants an amnesty when he was Mayor of London.

Who do you think started the mass immigration under the Tories.

Bojo got kicked out of Parliament because he lied like he lied all the time to his MPS.

Bojo is a clown and i voted for him and would never vote Tory again or any other clown.

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and the Powers that be plus those that joined the coup killed the Tory Party. You don’t have a crystal ball so you can’t say what would have happened if the media and the 50 odd Tory members led by Sunak hadn’t caused a witch-hunt.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Dan Wootton

Priti would be the ideal leader for me with Suella, Robert & Jacob in her cabinet. Nadine in her book 'The Plot' identified clearly the plan by Gove etc., to move Kemi into the role of next leader, it's all part of a plan of the elite who ignore their electorate.

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Agree. I applaud Nadine for writing that book, it really opened my eyes to the nastiness and duplicity that goes on behind the scenes. All credit to her.

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She is brilliant.

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Well. From the minute the media decided to join the Dark Forces with the Conservative Party, Keli Badenoch has been “The Great Pretender”. Never has a person been more accurately described. During the hustings, she was clearly following the script of her mentors (Gove and Brady) Brady once introducing her to a journalist as “my protégée”. Along with Gove, the awful Charlie Rowley and Finkelstein, they planned how to remove Boris, not just from no 10 but from politics altogether. Those what’s app messages were proof of the traitor she was, and still remains. I remember the morning of PM Truss first cabinet meeting, who arrived late? Grabbing the limelight, all eyes on her, arrogantly walking into no 10 - Badenoch. The so called “falling out with Gove” is smoke and mirrors. If she was so good why didn’t Sunak promote her to Foreign Secretary instead of bringing Cameron back? Because she is not who the movement want. If she does manage to get the job, it will again be without a vote of the membership. That will give the wets time to change the constitution REMOVING the right of a members vote, up will step Cameron when a safe seat comes up, Badenoch will be removed and the Moron installed. That’s already been talked off in the dark corridors of power.Sunak is out of favour with his former puppet masters.. he called the election because of the numbers. Specifically letters of no confidence, it was on the edge. His arrogance wouldn’t allow that to happen, so he went nuclear. He’s been treating to do so since losing all the by elections but one. Some good MPs will leave politics for good, thrown under the bus by a Head Boy they all tried to protect. More fool them. This battle is far from over. Me thinks Ms Badenoch needs to look in the mirror and ask herself - was it worth it?

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