Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Princess Cathrine is dealing with her cancer behind closed doors. This is her right. Even though she is a public figure, bad health remains Private. I’m sick of MSM and others trying to bully her into coming back early or releasing a new photo or video. I for one, hope she tells them exactly where to go!

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Catherine should be left alone with her family to heal. If it was anyone else, there would be an uproar with invasion of privacy law suits flying left right and centre. Give her time and space. Speed recovery Princess Catherine. X

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Have seen a lot of hate online about Catherine and hope that all of them and their pay master are rounded up and prosecuted . It just cruel, sickening and Dangerous!!

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That it is. And, trust me, it's the Sussex Squad behind this.

I will keep on calling them out.

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Hi Dan, yes I watch a lot of whats going on online, frankly it has to stop. Thank you for all that your doing, someone has to stand up to them ♥️

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Surely Charles should believe this, and intervene....Take away all their titles at least. It's about time as they are so dangerous.....

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YES! I have said that for years now. He's too weak to do it sadly.

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Time he grew a pair then Dan !!!

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Charles? 🤣🤣🤣. Charles is a narcissist. It is his way is the only way. Always has been.

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Is Charlie really that bad? He should listen to the people about the grifting Harkles.

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And he isn't going to do that just as the Queen never did. When are people going to wake up and ask why??

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The filthy lies and rumours of her death at the hands of William. Coma and or murder. Carol Middleton tragic car accident. Rumours about some lady Rose! They are stirring the pot so bad on social media that something or someone needs to put an end to it all once and for all. Kids see much more than we know they do and the rumours will be spoken. About at school amongst some children and then what happens? We cannot let this happen. Someone please acknowledge if there is a gag order or some such that stops the truth being told about the Markles. The way everyone still fawns over them regardless of how wicked she is and how dim witted and down trodden he is. If the rumour came from a country that doesn’t have these privacy issues then maybe this awful awful time that Catherine and William are going through then much of this nonsense would stop. Even saw a post from a journo at the guardian I think saying he can’t wait before the truth about William could be shared. Well I think the truth about the me me me and me again would be the best thing to happen. Am in the south of france at the moment and all my neighbours are convinced that Catherine is dead! Horrid world. Make it stop Charles and if you are not strong enough then let William fight the disgraceful and disgusting rumours and bring back our great royal family to where it should be and that is respected and loved through the world and not this awful bloody soap opera. Here’s hoping.

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Heidi I SO agree with you. I've seen some vile stuff online including that Catherine's body is being kept in a freezer !! William killed her and on and on. Makes my blood boil. How wicked and insane are these people ? Anyone who watched Trooping the Colour saw our lovely Princess looking amazing and it was so good to see her, though I imagine the day exhausted her. She should be left alone now to heal and get back to full health.

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Who cares?! Uggh there is no such thing as royals or elites. Humans are all equal. Yes some are born into wealthy families and some are born into desperately poor families but that does not change biology. Wasn't there something about not worshiping false idols? WAKE UP. WAKE UP. YOU'RE SPILLING YOUR SOUP.

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Thank you Dan! You are speaking for a lot of us. Enough is enough! The despicable Sussex Swamp are venomous and should be destroyed!

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Maybe they could be shot at dawn! Grow up.

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Oh Hi Meghan 👋🏻

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Absolutely 💯

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Can I just openly say I hate, despise, and loathe boozy and the pile of criminals he leads. Would love to see him and that tub of ilk in handcuffs and sentenced to life without parole in a federal penitentiary that knows life means life. Hopeful his house would be destroyed to remove the toxicity from the earth. I believe he’s more vile than mm. If this comment is removed and I’m kicked off. Please forgive me but this is the truth.

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Thank you 😊

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The idiots on Montecito usually create diversionary tactic to deflect from something to do with themselves. The wife of the Nigerian president was too near the mark for Smegs and AFP have been trying to rework her words to be less critical of TWs appalling dress sense in a conservative country. AFP - BTW - we’re behind the commotion over the Mother’s Day photo uproar. They are all connected. Hope the RF see through these tactics and Catherine is allowed to recover in peace.

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This is so stupid and irresponsible, anyone fighting a disease has the eight to privacy if they wish. Some celebs like to reveal all and discuss every single step, whilst others only make an announcement when they have recovered. Everyone sglhould have a choice and others respect that decision. Kate needs to stand firm and ignore this and come back to public life when she feels ready. The MSM should stop reporting this stuff.

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And the late Queen and Prince Philip chose to keep all their health matters private.

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You're right and they weren't hounded to reveal all, just no respect or empathy.

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As was their right of course. None of us should hound the RF for details about anything, they're human like us and deserve respect and privacy.

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Dan…..this is just all so sad. I’m so glad that William saw Catherine’s character…….as well as her beauty, personality, kindness, great moral compass and knew is was “the one”. She was raised well and conducts herself with dignity. Unfortunately, you cannot stop family members from marrying who they want. It’s a tough gig to have family members who do not operate as a moral, truthful, or compassionate human being. MM may think she is smart, savvy, and above all, “authentic”……..but, she is anything but…..which means she is self-delusional. You cannot have a healthy relationship with someone like that.

Catherine - take all the time you want. Heal. Embrace the joy of your wonderful husband, children, immediate family……the King adores you……you’ve got it all. Something your sister-in-law will never attain. She is not someone who is worth thinking about.

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Great points x

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Afternoon Dan. Forget about Derren. Dan be the FIRST ex MSM journalist to start reporting in depth fact about MM/H. Do you listen to TRG (The Royal Grift)? You both would make a great team. If you joined up and kept pounding out the posts it would be brilliant. TRG has some really credible info regarding exactly who MM/H are linked to as well as what they are up to. TRG would be a fantastic interview...but she keeps herself hidden. Sorry I've just realised and I apologise....you've had a rough year and understandably would not welcome litigation right now. Having said that...I believe that TRG has receipts

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton


The woman has CANCER, undergoing treatment, probably has lost her hair because of Chemo. It’s a big deal for women both physically and psychologically. Happens every day to a lot of people. It impacts.

This can go 2 ways….

1- She can be with her family as is what most people do and she needs them

2- If she has the strength, she can come out fighting, but honestly why should she? Doesn’t she have enough to contend with?

These people are just plain evil and nasty individuals.

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There is a part of me that says to Princess Catherine ‘stuff it’…

I’ll show you want cancer looks like wearing a brilliant gown, fantastic makeup, my favourite jewellery and tiara with William taking my arm. That would be a WORLD wide wake up call to millions.

There is another part of me, that says this lady deserves her peace and quiet, to gain her strength and come to grips with what has happened to her.

Knowing Catherine, as we do, I think she may be torn. William will protect her whatever.

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I get how you are torn on this, a tough one either way! Long live the King, long live the Princess.

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Most of the jewellery she wears isn't hers, it belongs to the Crown.

I don't know if you would like attending dinners, galas, events, and premieres whilst working as a representative, which means that you take sip of wine and then drink water for the rest of the evening. You don't eat much food because you're attending so many events and as a Royal you can't get fat. You're supposed to rewear the clothes for many years.

You don't meet any friends, you're socialising with unknown people as a representative.

You aren't allowed to show that you have a fever, a headache or simply be dead tired after working 24/7 for the past 2 weeks.

No, you sit comfortably in your home having free relaxed time in your sofa, eating chips and are jealous of Catherine's dress (that doesn't even belong to her, it belongs to the Crown).

Get a life!

Complain about the inherited millionaires/billionaires that do whatever they like every day!

Or become a self-made millionaire yourself!

Many people have succeeded with that. It just takes some talent and a lot of work.

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Catherine should be allowed to recover at home with her family, in peace. The Sussex Squad are incredibly evil and unfortunately I can see them only getting worse.

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

I am firmly under the belief at this point that the Sussex Squad have no humanity in them. This behaviour and foul smear campaign they have is just sick and all of them need to be brought to justice for it. The Royal family need to stop defending Harry and Megan

They need to leave Catherine alone to recover with her family as it should be.

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They absolutely have zero humanity.

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I agree about their lack of humanity but without the encouragement of the Montecito Morons the Sussex Squad would just fade away.

The pair of them need to be held accountable.

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Like I said on X about this Dan absolutely disgusting unbelievably sickos out there 😤

I have 3 family members gone through this they all need to stand back and sip it 😤 leave our future Queen alone to recover 🙏🏻♥️

Love you Dan ❤️🇬🇧❤️

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Thank you Patty!

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Dan, I completely agree with you. The journey is very personal, especially when it has a female-specific aspect. However, I firmly believe that nothing will change until the palace stops protecting Harry and, by extension, his wife. The same people cannot protect both William and Catherine and those two in California. That's the core issue.

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

"He posted:

“I will be a guest on the Sussex Squad Pod at 7:15 EDT."

So what? Like that's something to be proud of you muppet! I'll be sure to send you a consignment of wet wipes to aid your sycophancy with the minge and winge squad, brown noses and tongues are expected!

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Just more evidence wicked and cruel behavior is being normalized.

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

Derren, bouzy and entire squad are truly b the most reprehensible bunch of dirtbags I’ve ever seen. Karma is a bitch and all of them will pay for these horrible deeds

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Jun 5Liked by Dan Wootton

I think Derren Brown was just having a giggle but the Sussex Squad earn their living from making trouble to get their two no-hopers into the limelight and should be taken seriously.

They earn their daily bread by dirty tricks and nefarious deeds. In an ideal world they would be in jail. Princess Catherine deserves our support and protection now like never before. I do hope she isn’t losing her beautiful hair but if she comes back with a short hairstyle, I will cut off my long locks to show solidarity! ✂️ 🧒🏼 👑

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Ahhhhh that's beautiful Kat, how lovely.

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