I have leukaemia and I fell for the hype. I had 4 vaccines and I now feel a complete fool. I will never ever have any type of vaccine again and that includes the flu jab.
More and more people are now seeing what a scam it was. I am sorry for your losses and your ill health. And did we all notice that during covid, all cases of Flu simply vanished ?
This is a really important topic and thank you Dan. When covid first appeared I was struck by how similar the symptoms were to Flu. My first Flu jab seventeen years ago put me in bed for three days, and it took two weeks to feel anything like human again, so I decided no more. Naturally I was very sceptical about the covid jab and decided not to have it. As the weeks went on it became as clear as day that all this was about control. For instance, shutting the pubs at 10 pm because covid could apparently tell the time ! I'm nearly 78 and have COPD. I refused to wear a mask or do a test and I went about my normal life, shopping, walking the dog etc. Never even caught a cold.
My sister wore masks constantly, and had two jabs. Her life has never been the same since. She developed Vertigo and severe headaches, Diabetes, and has had one cold after another for four years. She was very healthy before.
The biggest hurt was when we saw our late dear Queen sitting alone at her husband's funeral while the likes of Starmer and others were having parties. How any person in politics or the medical profession can hold their heads up I do not know !
I was very surprised when the Queen publicly advocated for the jabs (as did W&C). The Queen got bone cancer, Catherine and Charles got cancer, Fergie got cancer.
We are soon to have a KC led inquiry in NZ. I think it will also be a complete whitewash and I think many Kiwis also have the same thoughts. A complete waste of time with a preordained outcome. No one will be found to have done anything wrong but it would have been handled better. That will be the outcome.
The establishment across multiple political parties and multiple countries who put us all through this mandated mess do not want to know, do not care and quite frankly want to crucify anyone that dare question the narrative. Doesn't matter how many family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues that you saw get ill and still have issues, or have die following the vaccine, they do not want to acknowledge the vaccine had anything to do with it. It was another cause.
Dr Joseph Mengele and Stalin would have been proud of how well this was rolled out and the impressive number of victims not from the disease but the so called vaccine is a testament to how well planned the pandemic was orchestrated....I know Trump had operation warpspeed to try and expedite a vaccine but he relied on the so called experts such as Dr Fauci to guide him and frankly I think he was used by Fauci and others.
I wish the Drs doing this independent review all the best. I think most people will regard their review as the reality and not propaganda pushing the anti vaccine narrative because this wasn't a vaccine, it was an experimental gene therapeutic which was rolled out. It's good more scientific papers and statistics are becoming available that show this because having the science behind their findings will make it more difficult to refute. Pity the MSM is bought and paid for because this would have affected them just as much as the rest of us....
Mike, a very good comment, down to earth and sensible. My sister in law lives in NZ, she had been a volunteer driver for hospitals and an advanced St John Ambulance member. Both roles were denied her because she refused to have the jab. She was shunned in shops etc too. An appalling way to treat someone for making a sensible choice.
Thank you and I feel sorry for your SIL, I know of quite a few people who had the fortitude to say sod it, my bodily autonomy will not be determined by the state and refused the Jacinda mandated jab. Many of those people lost their jobs and were ostracized but they were right to decline it and should not have been penalized. Those who were working in Healthcare or Education here I think if not jabbed, still cannot work in their profession if a registerable occupation which is just stupid, such a massive loss of key individuals with often years of valuable experience. The world went bonkers and the democratic values systems we all thought were infallible and part of the social contract between citizens with cohesive, respectful societies just went out the window and allowed in effect totalitarian tendencies in mostly left leaning governments to run amok, with the Covid response the perfect vector to enable them to do what they wanted whilst trampling all over people's civil liberties all in the noble goal of saving lives. Except Sweden was the control to everyone else and their response and outcomes spoke volumes.
I never had any of the vivid vaccines.I am 78 and have health problems. I will not put untested medicines into my body.I also never wore a mask of stayed in.disgusting how the government's are testing the population. All about control..
We need to watch for N Ireland where the Govt is allowing WHO to assess their rules of control of Health, - ie them taking over when they decide an alarm necessary! Population of NI needs to be aware, and the rest of us in UK because if WHO along with Govt decide the control is *acceptable*, can bet it’ll be introduced to rest of U.K. This lesser control effort has come about because populations of nations rejected the Pandemic Agreement of WHO taking governance control when they declared a Pandemic, so this now the UN/WHO/globalists trying another option.
We have all been blind sided by thee conspiracy of lies told about mRNA and its safe and effective status. Its not safe, its not effective and the hang over is massive. Estimates vary widely but around 15 million people lost their lives because of this poison . Unexplained deaths in young people has spiked, if you go to the the National Audit office, there is an apology, where they changed the algorithm removing 60k unexpected deaths. USA has just published a report stating that deaths in young people have spiked at 19% above average. No mention of mRNA and the jab? This was genocide, the plandemic was the greatest attack on humanity since the 2nd world war. Behind it, Fuachi, Gates, Soros and many more. USA has just stated it came from a lab leak in Wohan, a manufactured virus. We fell for it, were duped and were willingly poisoned. Today, WOKE, LBGT and Puberty Blockers, along with an attack on sex all lead to the same thing, a population reduction. Roll in Agenda 2030, WEF and NATO, with capital rule, dictatorships and lastly, weaponisation of Islam, Europe is screwed.
Do 'Viruses' exist? Have you read, "Virus Mania" by Bailey et al? Or Dr's Bailey, "The Final Pandemic" book?
The fact is, we don't truly know, BUT what we do know is (Barrington Declaration), only our body can self-heal, self-correct us and it does this (and has for millennia) once we: Think Right, Breathe Right, Drink Right, Eat Right, Sleep Right and undertake Creative Movement Right for us. It’s all Yin/Yang – BALANCE.
There only is ONE DIS-EASE - Molecular Chaos.
Only two ways to create it.
1. Toxicity – Hg fillings, F, Cl in water, Birth control pills and PCB’s and heavy metals in water/foods, etc, etc
2. Deficiency - not providing your microbiome and Human Cells with their 'shopping list' of ingredients, inc Enzymes, Micronutrients, Phyto-nutrients, Co-factors and stuff we don't even know about.
Absolutely right sir. You have mirrored my proposed comments. No so-called virus has ever been isolated. My thoughts are that because of molecular chaos our bodies go into a type of progressive detox, hence colds, flue more so in winter months when we are likely to become deficient in certain elements like vit D/D3 etc. Reducing inflammation is key for me. I am now 72 and have not received any vaxxes since way before the so called Covid manipulation having had 5 mini strokes 6 years previously. I am now fitter than way before my 50’s. Sure, I occasionally go into “detoxes” which are necessary but I can accelerate those through correct diet . I thank and appreciate you for your informed opinions 👏🙏
Thank you for sharing. I would whole-heartedly agree with your summation.
Anyone showing signs and symptoms of a cold, cough, flu, etc. These are basic ways our body is detoxing. And as an addendum, "Can you catch a cold?" by Daniel Roytas. I'm also open to the possibility that you can't, IF you have a strong immune system. Allegedly 80%+ of our immune system is housed in our guts! Any 'anti-life' pills like Antibiotics (and there may also be a place for them!) create a napalm effect, which then diminishes our body's ability to keep us healthy. I’d also be taking Sacro-B (Saccharomyces boulardii) at a different time during the day if I had to take Antibiotics, then on some MegaSporeBiotics+.
There's no 'fighting' or having any 'wars' on what our body’s may create like Cancer, Auto-immune, etc. That in my opinion is a very powerful body symptom and NOT as presently labelled a 'disease'. It's a survival mechanism.
There are over 651,000 patented Big P-harm-aceutical drugs and wait for it. None of them 'cure' us of anything! I'm not anti-anything, however I'm certainly not pro-stupidity! Like you shared, what is our body requiring? This time of year - D3 with K2, Vitamin C, Zinc, Omega 3, Mg, etc, etc. Once these and more are present in our foods all we need to do is 'Get over ourselves and out of the way' and let our body do what it has been doing for generations. Self-Heal, self-correct us. Foods are primary, supplements are secondary and, in my opinion, essential due to poor husbandry. We’ve taken more than we put back into our top soil!
A reminder to self, "Anything with a Shelf Life does not have a Self Life!" My point being I only choose, local, seasonal, organic, if possible, foods. Getting the RIGHT Macronutrient Ratio - That is fats & Protein Vs Carbs in each meal, inc intermittent fasting, I believe will serve us. That said, "One man's food is another man's poison" according to Lucretius! Have fun and I was delighted to read about your smarter lifestyle choices once you had experienced some serious life-threatening signs and symptoms.
God forbid we end up with a real pandemic, they have zero credibility putting us and our families & children knowingly in danger! no one would believe the MSM would they? But sure enough Kier Starmer again with his 2 tier rules, he's a national embarrassment. No matter old or young, no matter who you ask all agree he's the worst we've ever had... by a bloody mile. All that telling tales on Boris and he's got a voice coach over.. the cheek of him!
Thank you to all three. Warriors of truth and to all the people involved this real evidence based inquiry. I never took any of the injections. I refuse to call them vaccines. I looked at The Diamond Princess which, a he time, was a floating Petri dish. Very few deaths and everyone was elderly with co-morbidities. No-one else died on that ship and there were 4,300 people crammed in so that told me al I needed to know. I also listened to all sides and when the governments of the world coerced and bullied that set alarm bells off in my head.
It was not a vaccine. It was a Geneticaly Modified Organisms. If we had known 100 of 1000s of people would not have had the jab.
Other jabs, if there was a Serious Side Effect of 1 in 100,000 the jab was cancelled.
Covid SSE WAS 1 IN 800. From the Office for National Statics. The government stats office.
Interview Professor Angus Dalgleish St George's Hospital. He offered to Chris Whitty a more safe and effective vaccine and andhad been using it for 20 years. Whitty refused it saying it hadn't been tested enough.
Don't forget we have low vitamin D in this country. Important in infections.
Thank you for this Dan. Best wishes to the two medics on video with you, - please keep on the case as it yet another where our whole establishment have gone wrong and amorally maintaining wrong. We as a nation have accepted so much as we thought our systems good, honourable, ethical as we took so much science, education, Justice around the world, but looking back on the last decades we were wrong to trust. Let us hope we not too late awakening.
I know of several of the Doctors Scientist, and Researchers. One Doctor a consultant cardiologist has lost his job. They were looking to get rid of him and when he would not recommend a statin for all his heart patients. So they sacked him.
SIGN THE HOPE ACCORD it is open to non medical people.
The original pitch was two jabs within 3 weeks of each other, this after only a few months trials. Then the interval was extended 8 fold to 6 months. Based on what exactly? It had not even been in existence for that long! We also learned that the drug companies had no skin in the game at all. The government underwrote all malpractice claims. That was enough for me to run a mile and refuse it, much to the irritation of my doctor. Subseqeuntly is was shown not to work as advertised anyway.
I am quite used to government lying to me and expect nothing less. For my doctor to do so severely undermines my trust in the medical profession, which really is not good.
I have leukaemia and I fell for the hype. I had 4 vaccines and I now feel a complete fool. I will never ever have any type of vaccine again and that includes the flu jab.
A friends wife and 2 sisters all got clots
My dad got a blood clot
My neighbour got a rare brain condition, had to have life saving surgery
2 doors down a neighbour got aggressive cancer and died
3 doors down a neighbour got an aggressive cancer and died
5 doors down an elderly neighbours son got GB (not even attempting to spell that)
All post C19 vax, around mid 2021-22
No doubt they are “all coincidences because these things happen all the time” is what is usually retorted back to me.
I’ve live here 18 years and this is the first time something like this has happened
Believe what you want. I am beyond trying to show people the actual data. They don’t want to know.
More and more people are now seeing what a scam it was. I am sorry for your losses and your ill health. And did we all notice that during covid, all cases of Flu simply vanished ?
Ah yes another coincidence. 🤔
None so blind
As those that will not see
This is a really important topic and thank you Dan. When covid first appeared I was struck by how similar the symptoms were to Flu. My first Flu jab seventeen years ago put me in bed for three days, and it took two weeks to feel anything like human again, so I decided no more. Naturally I was very sceptical about the covid jab and decided not to have it. As the weeks went on it became as clear as day that all this was about control. For instance, shutting the pubs at 10 pm because covid could apparently tell the time ! I'm nearly 78 and have COPD. I refused to wear a mask or do a test and I went about my normal life, shopping, walking the dog etc. Never even caught a cold.
My sister wore masks constantly, and had two jabs. Her life has never been the same since. She developed Vertigo and severe headaches, Diabetes, and has had one cold after another for four years. She was very healthy before.
The biggest hurt was when we saw our late dear Queen sitting alone at her husband's funeral while the likes of Starmer and others were having parties. How any person in politics or the medical profession can hold their heads up I do not know !
I was very surprised when the Queen publicly advocated for the jabs (as did W&C). The Queen got bone cancer, Catherine and Charles got cancer, Fergie got cancer.
We are soon to have a KC led inquiry in NZ. I think it will also be a complete whitewash and I think many Kiwis also have the same thoughts. A complete waste of time with a preordained outcome. No one will be found to have done anything wrong but it would have been handled better. That will be the outcome.
The establishment across multiple political parties and multiple countries who put us all through this mandated mess do not want to know, do not care and quite frankly want to crucify anyone that dare question the narrative. Doesn't matter how many family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues that you saw get ill and still have issues, or have die following the vaccine, they do not want to acknowledge the vaccine had anything to do with it. It was another cause.
Dr Joseph Mengele and Stalin would have been proud of how well this was rolled out and the impressive number of victims not from the disease but the so called vaccine is a testament to how well planned the pandemic was orchestrated....I know Trump had operation warpspeed to try and expedite a vaccine but he relied on the so called experts such as Dr Fauci to guide him and frankly I think he was used by Fauci and others.
I wish the Drs doing this independent review all the best. I think most people will regard their review as the reality and not propaganda pushing the anti vaccine narrative because this wasn't a vaccine, it was an experimental gene therapeutic which was rolled out. It's good more scientific papers and statistics are becoming available that show this because having the science behind their findings will make it more difficult to refute. Pity the MSM is bought and paid for because this would have affected them just as much as the rest of us....
Mike, a very good comment, down to earth and sensible. My sister in law lives in NZ, she had been a volunteer driver for hospitals and an advanced St John Ambulance member. Both roles were denied her because she refused to have the jab. She was shunned in shops etc too. An appalling way to treat someone for making a sensible choice.
Thank you and I feel sorry for your SIL, I know of quite a few people who had the fortitude to say sod it, my bodily autonomy will not be determined by the state and refused the Jacinda mandated jab. Many of those people lost their jobs and were ostracized but they were right to decline it and should not have been penalized. Those who were working in Healthcare or Education here I think if not jabbed, still cannot work in their profession if a registerable occupation which is just stupid, such a massive loss of key individuals with often years of valuable experience. The world went bonkers and the democratic values systems we all thought were infallible and part of the social contract between citizens with cohesive, respectful societies just went out the window and allowed in effect totalitarian tendencies in mostly left leaning governments to run amok, with the Covid response the perfect vector to enable them to do what they wanted whilst trampling all over people's civil liberties all in the noble goal of saving lives. Except Sweden was the control to everyone else and their response and outcomes spoke volumes.
I never had any of the vivid vaccines.I am 78 and have health problems. I will not put untested medicines into my body.I also never wore a mask of stayed in.disgusting how the government's are testing the population. All about control..
We need to watch for N Ireland where the Govt is allowing WHO to assess their rules of control of Health, - ie them taking over when they decide an alarm necessary! Population of NI needs to be aware, and the rest of us in UK because if WHO along with Govt decide the control is *acceptable*, can bet it’ll be introduced to rest of U.K. This lesser control effort has come about because populations of nations rejected the Pandemic Agreement of WHO taking governance control when they declared a Pandemic, so this now the UN/WHO/globalists trying another option.
We have all been blind sided by thee conspiracy of lies told about mRNA and its safe and effective status. Its not safe, its not effective and the hang over is massive. Estimates vary widely but around 15 million people lost their lives because of this poison . Unexplained deaths in young people has spiked, if you go to the the National Audit office, there is an apology, where they changed the algorithm removing 60k unexpected deaths. USA has just published a report stating that deaths in young people have spiked at 19% above average. No mention of mRNA and the jab? This was genocide, the plandemic was the greatest attack on humanity since the 2nd world war. Behind it, Fuachi, Gates, Soros and many more. USA has just stated it came from a lab leak in Wohan, a manufactured virus. We fell for it, were duped and were willingly poisoned. Today, WOKE, LBGT and Puberty Blockers, along with an attack on sex all lead to the same thing, a population reduction. Roll in Agenda 2030, WEF and NATO, with capital rule, dictatorships and lastly, weaponisation of Islam, Europe is screwed.
Do 'Viruses' exist? Have you read, "Virus Mania" by Bailey et al? Or Dr's Bailey, "The Final Pandemic" book?
The fact is, we don't truly know, BUT what we do know is (Barrington Declaration), only our body can self-heal, self-correct us and it does this (and has for millennia) once we: Think Right, Breathe Right, Drink Right, Eat Right, Sleep Right and undertake Creative Movement Right for us. It’s all Yin/Yang – BALANCE.
There only is ONE DIS-EASE - Molecular Chaos.
Only two ways to create it.
1. Toxicity – Hg fillings, F, Cl in water, Birth control pills and PCB’s and heavy metals in water/foods, etc, etc
2. Deficiency - not providing your microbiome and Human Cells with their 'shopping list' of ingredients, inc Enzymes, Micronutrients, Phyto-nutrients, Co-factors and stuff we don't even know about.
Absolutely right sir. You have mirrored my proposed comments. No so-called virus has ever been isolated. My thoughts are that because of molecular chaos our bodies go into a type of progressive detox, hence colds, flue more so in winter months when we are likely to become deficient in certain elements like vit D/D3 etc. Reducing inflammation is key for me. I am now 72 and have not received any vaxxes since way before the so called Covid manipulation having had 5 mini strokes 6 years previously. I am now fitter than way before my 50’s. Sure, I occasionally go into “detoxes” which are necessary but I can accelerate those through correct diet . I thank and appreciate you for your informed opinions 👏🙏
Many thanks Nick.
Thank you for sharing. I would whole-heartedly agree with your summation.
Anyone showing signs and symptoms of a cold, cough, flu, etc. These are basic ways our body is detoxing. And as an addendum, "Can you catch a cold?" by Daniel Roytas. I'm also open to the possibility that you can't, IF you have a strong immune system. Allegedly 80%+ of our immune system is housed in our guts! Any 'anti-life' pills like Antibiotics (and there may also be a place for them!) create a napalm effect, which then diminishes our body's ability to keep us healthy. I’d also be taking Sacro-B (Saccharomyces boulardii) at a different time during the day if I had to take Antibiotics, then on some MegaSporeBiotics+.
There's no 'fighting' or having any 'wars' on what our body’s may create like Cancer, Auto-immune, etc. That in my opinion is a very powerful body symptom and NOT as presently labelled a 'disease'. It's a survival mechanism.
There are over 651,000 patented Big P-harm-aceutical drugs and wait for it. None of them 'cure' us of anything! I'm not anti-anything, however I'm certainly not pro-stupidity! Like you shared, what is our body requiring? This time of year - D3 with K2, Vitamin C, Zinc, Omega 3, Mg, etc, etc. Once these and more are present in our foods all we need to do is 'Get over ourselves and out of the way' and let our body do what it has been doing for generations. Self-Heal, self-correct us. Foods are primary, supplements are secondary and, in my opinion, essential due to poor husbandry. We’ve taken more than we put back into our top soil!
A reminder to self, "Anything with a Shelf Life does not have a Self Life!" My point being I only choose, local, seasonal, organic, if possible, foods. Getting the RIGHT Macronutrient Ratio - That is fats & Protein Vs Carbs in each meal, inc intermittent fasting, I believe will serve us. That said, "One man's food is another man's poison" according to Lucretius! Have fun and I was delighted to read about your smarter lifestyle choices once you had experienced some serious life-threatening signs and symptoms.
God forbid we end up with a real pandemic, they have zero credibility putting us and our families & children knowingly in danger! no one would believe the MSM would they? But sure enough Kier Starmer again with his 2 tier rules, he's a national embarrassment. No matter old or young, no matter who you ask all agree he's the worst we've ever had... by a bloody mile. All that telling tales on Boris and he's got a voice coach over.. the cheek of him!
Thank you to all three. Warriors of truth and to all the people involved this real evidence based inquiry. I never took any of the injections. I refuse to call them vaccines. I looked at The Diamond Princess which, a he time, was a floating Petri dish. Very few deaths and everyone was elderly with co-morbidities. No-one else died on that ship and there were 4,300 people crammed in so that told me al I needed to know. I also listened to all sides and when the governments of the world coerced and bullied that set alarm bells off in my head.
My sons partner had a Covid-19 vaccine while pregnant. Their son now has a developmental delay, possibly autism
It was not a vaccine. It was a Geneticaly Modified Organisms. If we had known 100 of 1000s of people would not have had the jab.
Other jabs, if there was a Serious Side Effect of 1 in 100,000 the jab was cancelled.
Covid SSE WAS 1 IN 800. From the Office for National Statics. The government stats office.
Interview Professor Angus Dalgleish St George's Hospital. He offered to Chris Whitty a more safe and effective vaccine and andhad been using it for 20 years. Whitty refused it saying it hadn't been tested enough.
Don't forget we have low vitamin D in this country. Important in infections.
Powerful presentation by these two heroes! Let’s hope they get the recognition they deserve from the MSM, but somehow I doubt it.
Thanks for bringing them to out attention Dan
Thank you for this Dan. Best wishes to the two medics on video with you, - please keep on the case as it yet another where our whole establishment have gone wrong and amorally maintaining wrong. We as a nation have accepted so much as we thought our systems good, honourable, ethical as we took so much science, education, Justice around the world, but looking back on the last decades we were wrong to trust. Let us hope we not too late awakening.
I know of several of the Doctors Scientist, and Researchers. One Doctor a consultant cardiologist has lost his job. They were looking to get rid of him and when he would not recommend a statin for all his heart patients. So they sacked him.
SIGN THE HOPE ACCORD it is open to non medical people.
Looks like they were principally trying to get rid of the old and the disabled and sick.Disgraceful.
The original pitch was two jabs within 3 weeks of each other, this after only a few months trials. Then the interval was extended 8 fold to 6 months. Based on what exactly? It had not even been in existence for that long! We also learned that the drug companies had no skin in the game at all. The government underwrote all malpractice claims. That was enough for me to run a mile and refuse it, much to the irritation of my doctor. Subseqeuntly is was shown not to work as advertised anyway.
I am quite used to government lying to me and expect nothing less. For my doctor to do so severely undermines my trust in the medical profession, which really is not good.