May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

So true Dan and so cringeworthy. I felt for those school children who were about to present her with something when she suddenly became aware of cameras behind her. Just turned her back on them mid sentence to pose!! So ignorant and embarrassing. Narcissistic in fact!

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Dan, You are like a dog with a bone, and I love you for it. Keep gnawing away, buddy! The sweetest part is yet to come.

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If the MSM are scared of the Sussex two, why do they report on them….. I wish the press would ignore them both. She acts like the Royal and Harry acts like the lady in waiting, it’s embarrassing

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They're scared of being taken to court!

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You can’t be taken to court for NOT reporting on them. That’s my point.

MSM should concentrate on the real royals who promote other people not themselves

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Because the MSM get clicks on their articles. They play it safe as Dan says. Report and get the clicks, or newspaper sales and don't report the negatives in case of being taken to court.

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Totally. No risks taken. No attempt to upset woke advertisers.

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It really is. He is ‘Spare’ in every sense of the word!

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Ironic he’s saw himself as the spare in his book and now “is”

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

They probably just take ready made PR pieces and use them. Maybe even pay for them.

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I get what you’re saying and totally agree with you but the other side of the coin gives them free rein without consequence. Such a problematic situation.

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

It's the Meghan Show for those Netflix dollars and a shameless exploitation of the Royal titles for money. Remember her saying she couldn't believe she wasn't getting paid for the Royal tours? Now she is. Harry and Invictus Games sidelined, she can diva around in the pretence she has compassion. Anyone who invites celebrities instead of family to their wedding and who can't even call their father after he's had a stroke has no compassion.

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Ha yes true. She’s getting what she always wanted - cash for tours!

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So approx how much $$ did they acquire on this little visit. My god a lot of places they could go

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1 million dollars

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$1 million!!! Has that been reported? How do you know that?

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They are and will able the “joker” in The pack.

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

The SS can call her the Princess of Nigeria all they like. Megg won’t be conquering “Africa” I dare her to come back to South Africa after all the bullshit she pulled here. Completely disrespectful to all South Africans!

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She’s only that in the msm for sales, no more no less.

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Thanks Dan for giving us a realistic summary of this farcical Nigeria trip. Our media are no longer a reliable source and I am becoming more concerned they the truth about this couple will never be revealed.

Given that this visit was supposed to be about Invictus, it was barely mentioned. I found the whole thing embarrassing, from Meghan’s word salad speeches, her inappropriate clothing, her behaviour towards the children and her clawing of Harry. Harry just looks dreadful.

I really hope the news about Archewell leads to journalists being more confident about investigating them.

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They’re too terrified to.

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You’re right about Harry, he looks like a broken man.

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"Happiest (he's) ever been!". Did his Momager tell him to say that?

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Go Dan. The real story about the sham ‘royal tour’. This is exactly why we subscribe. To get to the truth. The bullies are being outed. About time too.

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Thank you so much for allowing me to do this independent journalism, Jane. I really believe it is the future.

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I believe so too Dan! I also believe that King Charles needs to grow a pair, and finally do something about them. Especially now it's being reported that they plan on doing more 'sham' tours, they're a total disgrace if this is true. As long as they, particularly her, have the titles, they will just carry on with trying to outdo the real royals, and making their lives a misery, they have to be stopped!

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You're so right Christine. If the titles were taken off them, they wouldn't dare do any of these already ridiculous tours, because they would look totally stupid. They are imposters.

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Wait one! They were as far as was possible “somewhat relevant post the wedding yet! They carry on doing and saying all they want.


I concider this is a flagrant smack in The face and agree, needs dealing with. Sometimes never complain, never explain, is good enough.

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Let’s be honest. This was a faux attempt at upstaging the Royals that screams “look at us “(no change there).

I honestly can’t believe how low these reprehensible people will go: And Harry, this narcissist has and is using (almost abusing) you in her quest for world attention and acceptance.

You are being manipulated like some star struck child. Yet meanwhile your father and sister in law are battling cancer.

Shame on you both. Shame on your treasonous behaviour towards your family - and moreover Britain.

The Princess of Wales has more class in a fingernail than you both possess in your entire bodies.

The Megan’s are simply £shop Royal wannabes. Nothing more.

And Harry.

Ffs ‘man up’.

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You can have that one Dan: ‘£shop Royals’(that’s if you haven’t already 🤭). Great Substack my friend. You’ve been a big miss. 😍

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A slug had more class in its ass

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Thanks for being so honest Dan - something that’s been sadly missing so far in the reporting of this cringeworthy trip. So many sycophantic comments about Meghan looking stunning, when her outfits were, yet again, ill fitting, inappropriate and in dire need of an iron. It was extremely stage managed in terms of who they met and, frankly, a huge expense for a poverty stricken country. I really don’t know how the gruesome twosome have the sheer brass neck to be wined and dined this way when many government employees haven’t been paid for months. Compassion in action? Give me a break….

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Those outfits need a whole article on their own. Completely inappropriate for that country, and for the audience she was meeting. Ill fitting and creased and ugly as usual.

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I had a good laugh when I read that her squaddies told her to dress in more colorful clothing to represent Nigeria. Isn't that what royal courtiers are for?

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Despite what so many of us think, and of the late Queen’s wishes, this pair are making a mockery of the British Monarchy and no one has the courage to stop them.

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The late Queen KNEW.

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Why did she let Harry marry her? The background checks would’ve surely been unfavourable shall we say.

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I think Harry threatened the race card if he didn’t get his way, even way back then. mM was threatening to dump him if he didn’t announce their engagement. Nothing changes.

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That would’ve been a huge red flag to anyone else.

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Yes but Harry's never been very bright has he ?

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May 14·edited May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Great article Dan, so interesting to discover the truth. I also think Meghan is behaving herself with a new ambition in mind; to win back favour with the royals. Perhaps, both her failed attempt to bring the monarchy down and to be an admired 'royal' in America, now means her only option is to realign her position with the royal family, so their status will boost her own.

I very much doubt they'll fall for that though. It seems likely they'll know she's a narcissist. I hope so!

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Interesting theory. She still fancies herself as Queen one day.

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In her dreams Dan. In reality she needs a good slap !

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There's a very, very long line ready and able to take that on!

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I don’t think they will fall for it, because they can see that whatever she does goes pear-shaped. Just not a people person, not very bright, has nothing to say, But on the other hand, she thinks she’s the Messiah. Really she just needs to go away

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

You can definitely see their new British PR team pushing the positives in the last couple of weeks, even the news channels are tempering their criticisms of the gruesome twosome. I don't think any amount of PR with get the majority of the British people on board ,not only have they trashed our royal family they have criticised our country. There was a time when Harry would have been charged with treason and faced the consequences. Sorry! I digress, Megan's has gone to Nigeria an impoverished country and flaunted her wealth in their faces and acted as if she's royalty and Harry has followed behind her like a puppy dog, when is this man going to realise he has become Mr Markle. Love all your content Dan keep doing what you do best , great journalism.

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

She seems to be setting herself up to become presidential. Harry simply looks like a pathetic lap dog waiting while his mistress plays for attention!

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This is what’s happening.

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Well she is right that the UK media is essentially a shit show of churnalism and irrelevance. It saddens me how my former profession has fallen.

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Ms too Rachel. That’s exactly how I feel.

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May 14Liked by Dan Wootton

Well done Dan. It seems there's skepticism about her legitimacy in claiming her heritage, with some suggesting that her recent assertions about her Nigerian background are insincere. According to a Nigerian woman, her claims might have been more believable if she had made them whilst being a member of the Royal Family. They have been aligning themselves with Nigerian interests for the past 2 years, possibly influenced by that faux photographer from the Nigerian aristocracy. No doubt this has everything to do with money, power and revenge. Nigeria only got its independence from Britain in 1960.

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Exactly. Plus wouldn’t Doria have known she was 86% Nigerian? I’ve still heard nothing about what tribe she is from? Nigerians are calling them out, but the MSM aren’t showing them. Although the woman that’s the head of the WTO did call her out while onstage by saying before she sits on stage speaking, she should have educated herself to the real issues that Nigerian woman are facing. I was so glad she did that because I was afraid all these highly educated, successful Nigerian women were going to let her get away with her word salad. She didn’t even deserve to sit with those women when all she did was marry a dim prince while the other women worked hard and earned their positions.

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Blacks are being doped into believing she's Nigerian and she's a feminist 🙄

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It showed H&M now in their true light. Everything is about them. Even more so she she’s herself as the greatest 5hing on earth. I do not know how she has to gall to profess her DNA when her mother’s line of ancestry says otherwise. Equally she thinks, like her, we have no memories of what she has said before so the Maltese story doesn’t exist. The faces of some of the people she met spoke volumes. Her rudeness was also seen. However, we know any documentary footage will not include this. It has been said 2 women from the school visit were arrested for complaining about her inappropriate dress at the school. Her attire for the trip was inappropriate until Lagos. Her Squad who all wore a uniform, I jest not, and she gathered with did her no favors. H has become her puppet but she has twisted/manipulated his troubled mind. Some action needs to be taken by Parliament to deal with this now. People can’t keep shouting for the King to strip their titles it’s not within his power. Finally, where are those invisibles kids who she alluded to.if this is the life she things she deserves they need to be exposed to it to understand and adapt/cope with it!

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💯 this is well summarised! I think one of the most galling things is that she comes out with these absolute whopping lies which contradict other things she has said, and thinks that we all fall for it and can’t see right through her. She has said before she was 43% Maltese, she said before she was brought up in Germany, she said when she was married before that she had Jewish ancestry. She’s just a compulsive liar and fantasies and it’s ridiculous that a Royal Family is linked to this and has to put up with it. Look at how much she annoys us. Can you only imagine what it must feel like to be in that family and have to watch this vulgar display.

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Totally agree. Does she know who she is? We do! It’s not who she thinks! I feel very sad for then RF but equally her real family (except a Doris who enables her).

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According to Neil Sean, The King has invited Harry and Megan to Balmoral ON CONDITION they bring the two children. No kids, no visit. I think we can see no visit, don’t you? The pressure on them is mounting.

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I watch Neil too and yes I have seen this. Agreed no visit because they can’t produce the kids they have described to everyone….those blue, blue eyes!

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