Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

I’ve never doubted Nigel and Reform and followed them all the way from inception. Such a shame it’s a first past the post election though! Britain needs REFORM badly….

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Yes, we need proportional representation for everyone's vote to count.

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

👏👏👏 Me too! I have already sent in my postal vote for #ReformUK. NIGEL FOR PM ❤️

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

Excellent news. I have voted Conservative all my life. I voted Leave but not for open borders or net zero. I truly believe net zero is a scam to control and impoverish the majority of us. No more voting the same and hoping for a different outcome. SO…. I have already voted ReformUK and believe that if all Brexiteers vote ReformUK then we really do have a chance of bringing about change. Nigel Farage for Prime Minister. 🤗❤️

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Wow, this is huge.

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Spot on! I'm a Brexiteer and hopefully everyone who voted to leave the EU will vote for REFORM UK 🇬🇧

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Couldn't agree with you more Alexis

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

Dan, loving Outspoken, really miss you on GB News. Reform UK is now on the map and going places and voting for them is a vote for common sense. I, like so many others, now have hope for the future.

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Thank you so much!

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Dan my best friend, my girlfriend and I watched you all the time on GBNews. You are a star and that’s why I’m here!

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And me!! Already submitted my postal vote. Has to be REFORM all the way!!! Go Nigel!!!

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Yep I’ve voted postal already as well

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

I voted for Reform, and for the reasons discussed by Dan here.

I am concerned that many who vote for Reform will be disappointed at the low number of seats, IF ANY, that they obtain. DON'T BE! This election is a very necessary first step.

Onward and upwards!

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There is also the scary thought that the left will benefit unless enough of us are prepared to show our hands .

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Have faith Paul, as I have done

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

Fabulous. Same here and everyone we know is going the same. Come on Nigel 👏👏👏👏

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

Me too. Unfortunately I live in a safe Tory town. But as you say we have to vote with our hearts. I've lived under both Labour and Tory, both of which have left the majority of us in despair. So my vote is done with optimism

.. go Nigel and Reform, I believe in you.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

For god sake,people wake up before its too late,VOTE REFORM ,this is the only one way to escape from socialism,sadly not many in UK realizes what socialism is, REFORM the country it needs total overhaul

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You are right they haven't a clue , so naive and thick .

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

My family and I are voting REFORM 🗳 ❤️ Delighted you are too.

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

Under the never ending merry-go-round of the 2 party system, it has to be REFORM. The right choice Dan.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

Dan, being duped is nothing to be ashamed of. What’s important is being brave enough to admit it.

You are clearly an honourable, intelligent man, who has now seen through the fake ‘Conservatives’ and are sharing what you’ve learnt.

This evil Government imposed the policies of the Chinese Communist Party on the people of Great Britain, during their crooked response to covid. They used military-grade psychological warfare against us, then lied, lied and lied again, in an attempt to cover up the fact that they’re nothing but shills for big tech and big pharma.

They’ve also acted as shills to the huge investment banks, desperate to make money on their speculative ‘clean’ energy portfolios, at the expense of ordinary, hardworking people both here and abroad. As part of this Net Zero medieval-style cult, they've helped discredit real environmentalists, who genuinely care about our planet. This is equally unforgivable.

Then, to cap it all, they’ve thrown a match on the powder keg of Eastern Europe, using the brave men and women of Ukraine to fight a needless proxy war against Russia, because their wretched master Biden and his 'progressive' regime crave the natural resources of both countries.

They are an absolute disgrace to this country, and need to leave Parliament en masse, never to return. Hopefully, on 4th July, Reform will ensure this happens.

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Yes, although you know I have always campaigned against lockdowns, Covid madness and Nut Zero! But I hear you.

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Yes, you did. You have been one of the most steadfast campaigners against both. But be sure not to give the imbecilic Truss a second chance, when she rears her puppet-like head again. There should be no way back for her. She's a lettuce, not a populist.

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

Me too Dan. My MP Is Greg Hands but he should have been a Lib Dem, he’s not a Conservative. Time for a reset.

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

Well said Dan. You and millions of us feel exactly the same! You only had to watch Farage in the North East at midday today to see how he can tell it how it is - with no notes, no auto-cue, no earpiece, no controlling script from "high command - just talks sense and captivates an audience (The MSM were predicting 100 supporters and over 1,000 turned up!).

Harmer Starmer is unfortunately a classic example of a man promoted beyond his capabilities - you certainly would not want him defending you in any court of law. And as for rich fishy Rishi - might be a "nice" man, but how can he empathise with any normal working Brit when he earns over £1m a month in capital interest. Both are being influenced and controlled by the WEF and WHO and Gates et al!

Any person who cares about out society and making GB great again must vote REFORM. Dream western ticket is Nigel in as PM and Donald as President!!

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

Well done Dan! We are also voting for Reform and Nigel.

And we DO dare to believe!

Best wishes from

Jackie and Allan Edwards.

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Jun 27Liked by Dan Wootton

I truly wish I could vote for Reform but there's no one standing where I live. My so called elected MLA called to canvas for votes yesterday and I asked why there was no one from Reform standing and I was told "There wasn't enough time for them here." What would I give to watch and listen to all the MSM announcers choke on humble pie when Nigel is elected or they'd probably pass out of he got more votes than Labour and became PM. A girl can dream can't she. I've been a member of the Reform party from day 1. Rule Brittania 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

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I'm REFORM UK 🇬🇧 all the way and I became a member 8 days ago and I'm proud to be a member

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I am lucky to have a Reform candidate but sadly they are not local and no direct correspondence. I have done a postal vote for Reform and became a member. I had decided if there wasn't a candidate I was going to spoil my vote and right Reform on the ballot paper 🤣

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You would be better voting for anyone except LieBour which will ensure your vote does NOT go to LieBour. Just preventing Starmergeddon from get any type of majority will start the massive changes that are ahead because without a majority he won’t have much power to change anything

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